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Jason's POV

" Yo Percy I forgot to tell you guess who's moving back to New York?" I smile as Percy looked up at me as we were walking to eat breakfast " Who?" I chuckle " Nico and Hazel ." He smiled " No way I haven't seen them in years. " We both smile as everyone looks at us
" Who are they?" Piper finally spoke up

" Oh they're our cousins you'll love them they're awesome." I chuckled " Well Nico is kinda scary we call him ghost king cause he's super pale like super pale ." Percy chuckled " Hazel is the sweetest person you'll ever meet , even though she's younger than us she's the mom within the cousins and super smart ."

As we sat down eating Frank looks over at Percy and at me " So how are you two cousin?" He points at the both of us " Our dads were brothers Frank ." Percy just looks at his food . Frank looked at Percy " I'm sorry for your loss man how long has it been ?" Percy softly sighed " 15 years." He looked up at Frank then back at me " So Jason is Hazel and Nico coming to this school?" I nodded " yeah Thalia and Reyna are letting them stay at there house . Well they're adopting them legally since they're is dad struggling with money big time " he nodded" that's nice of them . " we all smiled" Talking about Thalia and Reyna how are they doing haven't seen them since they got married?" I smile as he asked that " they're really good they're over in New Orleans now helping them pack so they can move back ." I said as he just nodded

After breakfast we all headed to class today was awesome cause me and pipes had the same class all day I get to spend the whole day annoying my girlfriend. I smile as I think to myself about what Percy said yesterday "  Dude you two been dating for 5 years when are you going to pop the question?" I sigh as I look at her while we sit down in class " What do I have something on my face sparky ?" I chuckle " no I'm just admiring your beauty " I kiss her cheek softly " I love you so much Piper ." I smile as she kissed me back." I love you too sparky ." I smile holding his hand

A new meaning of friendship and love ( a Percabeth ,and Jiper AU )Where stories live. Discover now