The Big Question

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Jason's POV

I sit nervously by the pool as piper and everyone is inside I hear the door open I put away the box that was in my hand into my pocket I turn to see Nico , and Percy.

" hey guys what are you two doing out here?" I laugh nervously." Jason just ask her I know you have a ring already chosen for her ." Percy looks at me as he said that . I look over at Nico knowing he'll help me out " He's right Jason . Now stop being a baby and ask her to marry you or I'll whack you across the head with a brick."

That little traitor. Why a brick thou?" But what if she says no , then it'll be awkward to be her friend if she breaks up with me and then Percy and Annabeth will break up .." as I was talking Someone slapped me hard in the face shutting me up ." Jason stop being a baby." I look at Nico ." Why did you slap me ?" Percy shrugged " cause you were annoying, also an Idiot" I glare at him.

" Look Jason do you think she's going to say no. You two been together for 4 years now almost 5 years now just ask her okay if you don't I'll personally throw you in that pool . Okay?" He smirks as he gets up " okay go get her ." They run off

Piper's POV

As I'm on the couch talking to Annabeth I see Percy and Nico walk over " Hey pipes Jason wants to ask you something outside." They smirk softly as I nod." Okay ." I get up as Annabeth follows but Percy stops her " he wants to talk to her alone." Oh no he's going to dump me .. no wait if they were smiling then he probably wants to ask me something as I go outside I see him in the chair playing with his hands ." Hey Jason." He looks up and smiled " hey." He walks over to me and kisses me softly I smile and stare into his eyes .

He gets down on one knee and pulls out a box before he can even talk I tackled him as we both fall into the pool" yes a thousand times yes I'll marry you." I smile as we're both in the pool kissing I turn around and see all of our friends looking at us and Percy laughing saying something at Annabeth as she laughs also .

As we got out of the pool Jason gave me the ring it was very beautiful and had the date that we started dating on it . I look over at Percy " so why are you laughing?" I glare at him as he takes a deep breath." I told him if he didn't propose by the end of the night I'll throw him in the pool but I guess you did that for me ." I roll me eyes as Reyna gives us towels to warm us up.

We got up and heads inside as we sat on the couch while I was looking at my ring then I look at Jason softly kissing him" it's beautiful Sparky I love it ." He smiles softly " I'm glad you like it Pipes I chose it out just for you." I smiled as I hold him close to me" you make me happy ." I cuddled into his neck softly as Thalia takes a picture of us

A new meaning of friendship and love ( a Percabeth ,and Jiper AU )Where stories live. Discover now