Double Date part 2

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Frank's POV

Oh man I'm nervous Hazel said yes when I asked her out oh man why didn't I have this planned out more craaaap . I throw my head back and lay down and close my eyes then my phone rings I look at it and see Leo's name" Hey man what's up?" I lay back " Dude I need help I asked Calypso out and she said yes I don't know what to do?" I face palm " Man I'm having the same trouble but with Hazel ." I think for a bit." Wait I have an idea ." I should up in bed and smiled " How about me , Hazel , You and Calypso go on a double date . I know that Percy and Annabeth went on one with Nico and Will ."

I hear him sigh" That sounds like a great idea where do we go?" I softly smile and lays back " Idont know bro . How about Olive Garden it's nice for all of us to go to that's if you and Calypso are up to it." "Well Hazel and Calypso are best friends so I'm sure she won't mind . "

" okay sounds great we should plan the date for Wednesday since we have no school that date ." I smile softly knowing if one of us screw up on the date it'll be less embarrassing and be with a friends

The next day

Okay it's time for the date . Crap I'm nervous. I look in the mirror as I'm just wearing a purple dress shirt and slacks I take a deep breath as I comb my hair . Okay Frank you can do this you play football and that can get you seriously injured your just going out on a date with Hazel who is cousins with some of your best friends take deep breath's .

I get in my car and drive over to Hazels house and softly knock on the door I wait there Patiently holding a stuff horse and some flowers in my hand for her I smile brightly when she opens the door . I look into her golden eyes and sees her curly hair drape down on her dark skin" Hi Hazel" I say softly as my voice cracks making me sound like I'm going through puberty again . I hand her the flowers and the stuff horse " this is for you ." She takes them and smiles softly " Thank you Frank this is so beautiful "

I smile as I see that she's wearing a purple dress that's not to fancy but nice enough to wear out ." You're welcome . So um remember Leo and Calypso are tagging along with us okay Hazel ?" She nods softly as Nico walks up to the door as Will is with him" Break my sisters heart Zhang and I'll broke every bone in your body got that." I look at him terrified as Hazel slaps Nico ." Be nice okay . Let's go Frank we got to pick up Leo and Calypso." I nod as we head to the car

Leo's POV

Okay this is good I'm going on a date with Calypso. It's a double date with my best friend Frank and Hazel . What the hell Leo you had the courage to ask her out why are you so nervous now .

I look at myself in the mirror as I'm wearing a maroon dress shirt and black jeans I head down stairs and sees my moms as they come to me and smile " Oh our little boy is going on a date ." I blush as they hug me and comb my hair " you be good okay if anything happens call us ." I roll my eyes " Mom , mama it's a double date okay Frank and Hazel are going to be there with me and Calypso okay ."

They nod as I hear Frank honk his horn and I head out after grabbing a sunflower for Calypso I bought for her last night as I get in the car I smile " Hey Frank , hey Hazel " they smile " Ready to pick up Calypso ." I take a deep breath " Yeah I'm ready let's go ." I smile as we head out to her house .

I walk up to her house and knocks on the door waiting for her to open it some scary guy opens it as he's in a business suit I swear if I was able to I would have shit a ton of bricks right now" I'm here for um Calypso sir ." I say softly as I look up at him then I see her walk down the stairs as she's wearing a white sundress and her hair in French braids " Hey dad this is Leo , Leo this is my dad ." I shake his hand softly " Hello sir " I hand her the sunflowers and smile " These are for you ." She smiles as she takes them " they're beautiful. Can you hold them for me dad ?"

She hands them to him as he nods and leaves as we head to the car she looks at me " You can freak out if you want." I nod as we get in the car" Is your dads brother the hulk or something he's huge and scary ." I look over as Frank starts to drive off and he laughs " Dude you looked so scared." Hazel slaps his arm " Be nice . You look very beautiful Calypso." She smiles " so do you Hazel . So ready for this double date ?" I nod " Yeah let's go and eat cause I'm hungry." I laugh  as Frank looks at my from the rear view mirror " dude your scrawny you need to eat more ." I laugh as I flip him off .

As we got to Olive Garden we head inside and sit down at a table as I say next to Calypso in the booth and Frank sat next to Hazel .  I softly smile as I look at Calypso " So um." I blush softly hoping who ever is waiting our table comes up

" Hi I'm Cesar I'll be your waiter for the nigh."  Oh thank the gods " What May I start you off today for drinks ." I look up at him " May I have a Pepsi if you have any if not coke would be fine ." Frank says softly " Same for me ." Hazel adds after him " What about you two?" He points to me and Calypso

" May I have a sprite please ?" She says softly " Um can I have a coke please?" He nods then walks off leaving us be as we look at what to order ." so Leo what do you want to do again after school?" I look at Hazel as she asked me " Um open up a mechanical shop or become a mechanic . I honestly don't know yet ." We smile as the drinks get here then we ordered our food after wards

As we finished and payed for our food we head out and walks around for a bit " So how was your meal Calypso?" She nods softly holding my hand " It was good what about yours ?" I smile softly " it was good." I look at her as she kisses my cheek softly I smile softly then kisses her as we sat down on a bench

Frank's POV

Okay Leo and Calypso are now making out I grab Hazels hand softly as we walk away from them giving them privacy I smile softly looking at her as we get to a railing and looks over at the water as a water show starts " Wow look at that ." I smile softly looking at her as her eyes shine with amazement at the water show.

I hold her close to me to warm her up " This is amazing they don't have this in New Orleans that I can remember." She smiles and looks up at me I lean down and kiss her cheek softly well I think she turned her face cause our lips met I pull back a bit and blush like crazy not being able to speak ." I um ..." she stops me and kisses me again I just smile and kiss her back tonight was awesome after the show ended we all headed back home.

As we got to Calypsos house Leo walked her to the door smiling like the idiot he is walking back to the car he sits down and smiles " That was an awesome date ." I laugh and drops him off at home then took Hazel home " we'll here we are ." I smile as I walk her to the door I softly smile looking down at her then kisses her softly " have a good night sleep ." She kisses back " you too Frank ." I laugh as she walks in the house then I headed home texting her once I got in bed

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