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Percy's POV

2 months has passed since I met Annabeth and started dating her. we're going to homecoming together but I can figure out what to wear even though it's in a month . I smile softly as I look at her as we're at the bakery.

" Percy you okay?" I snap out of my daydream " Sorry got distracted ." I chuckle softly as I look at her ." As I was saying since the theme of homecoming is Under the sea I suggest that you wear a grey  tuxedo with a black tie or sea green tie ." I nod softly " what would you wear ?" She smiles softly oh gods her smile makes my heart melt ." I'm wearing a blue dress." I smile as I look at her I reach over and softly rubs her cheek as I kiss her softly once  I did I heard a familiar voice I look up and sees Luke's dad .

"Mr.Castellan." I stand up and shakes his hand he smiles softly and shakes mine back" Wow Percy you've grown up a lot since I last seen you."  I smile softly and nod " I have , how's Mrs.Castellan been." He smiles sadly " she's getting better . How about you son?" I put my hands in my pocket " I still have nightmares and suffer from PTSD . But my girlfriend here." I walk over to Annabeth" has been helping me recover lately " He smiles and waves at her " Luke would be proud of you . I remember that you were closed up before meeting him , but Luke cracked open your shell." Me and him laugh softly." Yeah Luke was a very great guy even though he wasn't my brother by blood he was amazing brother ." 

I look at him as I softly sigh " I still blame myself for what happened if I was more careful that day Luke would still be here ." He frowns at me " Don't blame yourself things happened for a reason if you didn't break that bottle that monster could've hurt you worst or killed you and your mother . You meant so much to Luke , you were all he talked about saying how you were the little brother he always wanted to have , he was actually planning on using his college fund to get you and your mom out of there but he never got the chance to ." I start to tear up a bit as Annabeth comes up and rubs my back" He was going to use his college funds to help me and my mom?"

He nods softly I look at him and hug him then pulls back ." with your permission if I have a son in the future may I name him after Luke in remembrance of him ?" He nods softly . After that he leaves with his coffee I sit back down in front of Annabeth and just start to cry . She rubs my hand softly " He was going to take me and my mom out of the house away from Gabe . But in a way he did but it costed him, his life . " I put my hands to my face to wipe my eyes " Percy . We can hold off on homecoming outfits until later on okay we have a whole month until then . "

I nod as we head to the library and sit in our usual beanbag chair and cuddle close " He was a really amazing person, he was smart , funny , a great role model, and, amazing brother . I miss him so much I wish that he just got injured and not die ." I look at my hands as Annabeth rubs my hair softly as I slowly fall asleep.

I'm walking around a playground why does this look so familiar for . As I walk pass some swing sets I see a guy standing there looking panicked like he lost his kid." Hey sir is everything al.." I stop as I see him " Luke ." He turns to me and smiles" Percy don't run off on me like that . " he walks to me and smiles " It's been a while little guy how's it been." I look at him as I cry a bit " Is this real or a dream?"

I look at him " Sadly little guy it's a dream I just came to tell you not to blame yourself I knew what I was getting myself into when I barged in that day , you stayed strong for me like you promised me ." I chuckled as he ruffled my hair a bit as I look at him ." I saw your dad today. He told me about your plan to take me and my mom out of there." I look at him as we sit down on the swings .

Luke smiled" yeah I was planning on doing that. I'm proud of you , even though you went back into your shell you broke it again after meeting that girl on that rainy day was the starting point of it . then meeting all of your other friends you , Nico and Hazel coming back , then you dating the girl you met . That made you come back to being open and having more friends " I smile softly as I nod then I look at him.

" I miss you Luke , I'm planning on naming my first born son after you since you saved my life ." I look at him as he nods then he looks up " It's nice up there , Percy I met your dad . He said that he loves you and your mom and he's happy that she's with your new stepdad " I smile softly as we look up at the sky " Goodbye Percy , I have to get back I hope everything goes good from here on out ." I nod " Goodbye Luke say hi to Bianca and my Dad  from me and Nico . " I smile as he fades away . I softly cry

After that I wake up I look at Annabeth as she sounds like she is crying wait what happened I get up properly she turns to me and sighs in relief " He woke up Sally he's fine now I think he was in a deep sleep ." I look at her as she crash her lips to mine I kiss back after a while she punched my shoulder hard " What the hell percy." She whispers yells at me " What did I do ?"

" You didn't tell me you were a deep sleeper." I look at her confused " Um Annabeth I'm not a deep sleeper like at all ." She looks at me confused." What are you talking about . " she looks at me then her eyes widen " Percy I know this is weird but did you have a dream?" I nod " yeah Luke visited me in my dream he told me he was proud of the man I became , also not to blame myself , why?"

She looks at me " Some believe that when someone who's passed visits you in your dream they have a message for you and your in a deep sleep for that time being ." I look at her ." How long was I out for?" She sighs ." 2 hours ." I look at her " but it felt like 30 minutes to me ." I look at her as I rub my eyes " 2 hours ?" She nods softly as I just sit there I tear up a bit " I at least got to say Goodbye to him this time ." I say to myself softly

A new meaning of friendship and love ( a Percabeth ,and Jiper AU )Where stories live. Discover now