Dream gets send to prison

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-..... pov-

"We did it Tubbo! Dream is going to prison and we won.", Tommy said wile giving Tubbo an big hug.
I saw when I left for the portal.

Dream is going to prison and we won't be able to see him?! How are we going to get food and water now? I was thinking wile hopping away through the Nether wile following the others.

"Alright everyone", Lizzy said "were are we going to go now?"
"I don't know!", someone yelled.
"Lets stay in the Nether!", someone else said.
"Why don't we go to an cave and hide there?", I asked.
"Thats an good idea Clover! Let's go blobs!", Lizzy said wile hopping to the nearest portal.

As we were hopping through an plainsbiome I thought 'bout the fact that I had no idea what to do now.

"Look! Over there!", someone yelled resulting in most of us looking over there. It was the entrance to an cave. "Lets go and take a look", Lizzy said taking the lead. It wasn't that far away so we got there quick.

"Woah! It's really big! Let's make our hideout here!", Lizzy said and she started to create some places to sleep.
When everyone got into the cave some of us, including me, decided to hide the entrance so we gathered some stuff to put in front of it. We did leave an space for us to go through when ever we need.

"Lizzy Lizzy Lizzy!", Jack yelled to her. "Some of the blobs want to go and leave I said that they could but since you have taken the lead I suggest you ask them were they want to go to". "Thank you for telling Jack, but if they want to leave they can. For now I need to take care of the other blobs!", she yelled back. "Okay!", Lizzy got as an answer.

I was quite curious so I decided to take a look. When I got there I saw a group of 'bout 30 blobs. Some were getting bee like wings and some were turning into smoke like things. "Uuh what is happening here?", I asked. "Oh we are leaving the fandom of Dream and exploring the world! Maybe even enter other fandoms!", a smoke or voice like someone said. "Oh right. Well have fun out there!!! And remember you are always welcome to come back!", I said. "Thank you uuuuh...", "Clover" I said. "Thank you Clover! We'll remember that!", some of the bees said as they were leaving. "Bye!!", I yelled.


Hey hey! Editor here! I thank you soooo much for reading my fanfiction about the blobs!

My writing isn't that good but I'm working on it!! Hope to see you in the second chapter!!

Have an good day/night!!

A blob sneaks in (Dream-smp)Where stories live. Discover now