A few weeks later...

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Tw: blood, torture and (maybe) crashing writing. Enjoy!


-Clover pov-
A few days ago Tommy had tried to kill Dream. Sadly Ghostbur is gone now. But luckily Wilbur's back!! I can't wait for him to come and visit!

-Quackity pov-
Sooooooo I'm going to visit Dream today. Time to get the info on that book of his, in my hands. "Hey Big Q!", Tommy yelled! I waved back and Tommy came up to me. "I wanted to tell you something Sam told me not to tell anyone but you seem save!!", he said.

Well this could be intresting~. "Go ahead Tommy I'm listening" I said. "Well..."

Tommy told him 'bout Clover. How they got in what they are who they are and that they used to follow Dream around before he got in prison. "Soooo yeah that's it!", Tommy said, smiling. "That's cool Tommy! Thank you for telling me" I said not letting Tommy know I was planning something. Now if I could find them when I'm in there this could be easy!

-Lizzy pov-
Clover got in!! They got in! Heck yes!! I'm going to tell everyone the news!

As I called some of the blobs who knew Clover over I started thinking. Clover isn't going to get out...what were they thinking?!? "Sooooo why did you call us Lizzy" Roze asked. "Well Clover got inside! But they won't be able to get out..." "Oh my! That's good and bad news!", Jack said with an kind of happy face?

"Yes! And I know how they got in but...Sam isn't letting anyone enter..." I said wile looking at the floor.

"Mmmmmmmmmh" Jared seemed to think. "Well there is a way to leave... If they decide to join another fandom they could leave no problem."

Jared had an bizarre point. But that would only work if you were to join TechnoBlade's fandom. And there are allot of them who demand blood. Wich I don't see Clover doing.

-Clover pov-
Quackity came in so I had to hide. I hid behind the chest this way I could still see his feet if I wanted to. It started of an an quote normal visit but it quickly turned into an crazy one.

-Dream pov-
As I heard the lava go down I shoved Clover behind the chest. They told me that they would sit there wile this person was visiting.

It turned out to be Quackity. I at first thought it was an normal visit. But than Quackity said something 'bout the book. He wanted it. Ofcourse I wouldn't give it to him. Than things took an wrong turn for me.

"Sam Sam!! SAM!!!", I yelled. "Sam isn't coming Dream. He gave me these weapons so I could get that knowledge!", Quackity said with an grin as he grabbed me by the chains around my hands and pulled those down so I would land on the floor. "You are going to give me that knowledge now Dream or I'm going to visit. Every. single. god. damn. day. Untill you do.", he said.

Oh god. "Go to hell Quackity. I'm never going to tell you!", I said. "Oh really?", I got as an answer. Than I felt it. Quackity had hit me on my just healed shoulder with his axe. Oh god that hurt! I wanted to scream but I didn't.
Afterwards he hit me again and again. This time he hit me on my other shoulder to. He also hit me in the legg.

God I wanted to scream. "Also...", Quackity said to me; "were is your little friend? Clover I thought their name was?" I debated. He knew they were here but if I asked him how he knew I had just confirmed it. If I told him I didn't know 'bout anything but he would later find out it wouldn't end well... "Oh come on Dream, you know what I'm talking 'bout.", he said as he carefully cut a bit off my mask showing my left eye.

-Quackit pov-
He's good. I thought he would be screaming by then. I thought as I was cleaning of his blood from my hands. He didn't say a word 'bout Clover though. Was there a chance Tommy lied? Nah he wouldn't.

That green eye of Dream though. It was dark and so cold. Those were the eyes of someone who had been through allot. But they also were the eyes of someone who hurt others. Way to manny others. And I've decided I'm going to make him pay for it. I'm going back tomorrow.


Not the most words but getting there!! I'm excited to see what you are going to think of the ending!

Have an amazing day/night Mr, Mrs and Mx!!

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