The reviving

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Tw: a little bit of blood I hope you enjoy!!

-Dream pov-
After Clover hit the wall they started falling to the floor. I wasn't scared for their well-being. They are an blob! What I was scared 'bout was the fact that Sam seemed mad. Like crazy mad.

"Dream...", Sam said in an deep angry voice. Sam didn't say something else. He just attacked me.
I think he grabbed an weapon or something from his inventory and stabbed me with it in my left shoulder. This due to the fact that I felt blood, my blood, soaking my hoodie and dripping down on the floor.

Sam held the weapon there for quite sometime I looked over and saw a sword. Sam held me by my other shoulder pressing against the wall. I wanted to fight back but Sam slightly turned the sword making the wound hurt so bad I screamed it out.

It seemed to had woken Sam up from his trance like state and he pulled out his sword and put it back in his inventory. I know Sam didn't keep it on his belt 'cause he didn't want me to get the change to grab it.
"Dream.", Sam said in the same deep voice. "Y...yes Sam", I stumbled. "I'll get something to patch that up" he said pointing at my shoulder. As I held my other hand on top of the wound trying to get it to stop bleeding.

Sam looked at Clover and Tommy. As he started to walk over to Clover to see if they were breathing I started to rip of a few strips of cloth from my jeans and bandaged the wound a bit. "They are still breathing.", Sam told me. "Dream" Sam said again. "They are stuck here with you now."
That didn't surprise me. They snuck in and Sam sees himself as someone who sees everything. "Ok" I said, still holding my shoulder.

Sam started walking to the lava and pulled it up. Sam walked back over and let the lava drop again.

A few hours later Clover hadn't woke up. I started wondering maybe I could try to revive Tommy? I mean no one believes its real, this time Tommy himself would be proof!! Sam would go around telling Tommy had died so if he were to be alive people ate going to know the book would be real.

Yeah that could work!! Amazing plan!!

With that in mind I started the reviving process.

-Tommy pov-
"Huhuhuhuh", I sighted as I opend my eyes? OH GOD WHY IS IT SO BRIGHT!?
I looked around and saw Dream his mask tilted up from his face showing his mouth. He grinned. "Well well. Look who woke up from his slumber?"
Slumber? I was in the deep depths from hell! Dead for, I think  3 months!! "What the fuck Dream!? What the he happened?!", I asked him angry.

-Sam pov-
As I was going back with some bandages I heard Tommy's voice. I started to hurry.

-Tommy pov-
Dream put his mask back over his mouth. It looked like he was wounded at his shoulder. I looked around and saw the blob thing laying on the ground on their back. Dream seemed to have lost allot of blood. He must be weak! I thought as I got up. "Dream Dream Dream" I said as I walked up to him. "Tommy!?!?", I heard Sam's voice as the lava was dropping.

"You're alive?!", he surprisingly asked wile looking me up and down then looking at Dream who was still holding his shoulder. "The revive book is real..." Sam said in shock. He told me to get on the bridge he send over and he walked back with me.

-Clover pov-
Jeez Sam, you hit me hard against that wall! I thought.  I was awake for quite some time already. I heard Dream and Tommy talking to eachother before Sam told him to come back over.

Sam escorted Tommy out the prison and he not long after came back. "Here you go Dream" he said as he gave Dream the bandages and he walked away again. "Wew I said as I got up" Dream shocked I was awake. "For how long were you awake Clover?", he asked me. "I don't know. I did hear Tommy leaving though so a little before that" I answered. Dream sighted "oooh okay Clover. Here have a little but of an potato Tommy left here" he said as he put down an small potato. I started eating and asked "Sam isn't going to let me out is he?" "Pff no, no he isn't" Dream said.

Oh well. I'm sorry Lizzy, I'm sorry Jack, Jared  Addy and Roze. I'm never going to come back.


Another chapter done! I'm on an roll!! I can't wait to get started on the next one!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have an great day/night!!

A blob sneaks in (Dream-smp)Where stories live. Discover now