Quackity finds Clover...

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Tw: a bit of blood.


-Clover pov-
Dream didn't seen to scream and begging from Quackity to stop. But when he did. I could see Quackity's grin. And this day...this day was no different...

-Dream pov-
Quackity came in. This time with an netherit axe and an diamond sword. I was weak and tired of the same thing everyday. He came for the first time 'bout 2 weeks ago. Quackity had asked me to write a note to Techno this time.

"I'm not going to write it!", I said. "Oh yes you are" Quackity said to me. "You know it's been quite tiring to keep coming here Dream."

"You don't have to come Quackity!", I said almost begging him to stop it. He had attacked me again.

Quackity grabbed de chains yet again and threw me down. He stood his sword on the grond close to my throat and slowly started move it towards it.
"How do you like that Dream!? Hoe do you like that?!", Quackity asked as he made little undeep cuts. "Huh how do you like that?!" He hit me on my shoulder. He let me get up and right afterwards he put his sword to my throat. "I'm not going to stay away Dream. I'm here because I don't want you to ever forget about what you did to the server. I want you to..." I cut him off, "it's because you LIKE it, you like torturing me?!"

-Quackity pov-
"Maybe I do Dream maybe I do!" I answered. That seemed to shock Dream. I could only see one of his eyes but he was suppressing his tears. Than I saw it. A way to get what I wanted. I didn't have an plan yet.

"Dream" i said "You are going to write that note to Techno. If you like it or not" I said as I pointed my sword to his throat. "Fine I'll write it I'll write it" he said with an broken voice as I pulled away my sword and he dropped down to the floor. He started to get an book out of his chest and started to write the note I needed to get Techno in here. 

I found it. I found the little blob. I'm going to come back soon, and use that thing in my plan!


Hello peep! I know I know. It's an short chapter. It's hard writing these on an laptop with no indicator of how it will look on the phone. 

Anyways!! If there are any spelling mistakes or something doesn't look right I'll get to it soon!

Have an good day/night reader! Hope to see you soon again!

A blob sneaks in (Dream-smp)Where stories live. Discover now