This is the end...

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This isn't the last chapter! I did think that I wanted to make an short story. There might be another chapter after this!


 -Clover pov-

He was holding me and squising me! God how did he find me? I swear to god I hid somewere else this time! I mean I was seen last time! "Hey! Could you stop!?", i said. "Sure" he said as he let go of me cousing me to fall to the ground.

Ugh what the actuall fuck. I've been thrown before and let go of like that before to. He bend down again and picked me up "well Dream. What do you say? Their live for the book?!" Oh really now? This guy is so mean! How could he?! "I...I...I...", was all Dream could say. 


-Dream pov_

Neather Quackity nor Sam visited me after that day. I don't know why but I didn't like it. It gave me the creeps they didn't come. Altough I could now heal a little bit more before Quackity came...something felt off. And I didn't know what...

-Quackity pov-

Today is the day! I'm going to get that book from him! And I have an plan for TechnoBlade and that blob thing! Today is going to be soooooo intresting!

-Sam pov-

Quackity is coming today... lets just hope he doesn't kill anyone or anything.

I almost couldn't take Dream's screams anymore. That is when he screamed. At the start he didn't but at some point he did, and now... Its just painfull to listen to! Quackity told me he would be finisht soon but I don't believe him...

-Techno pov-

Dream wanted me to come and visit? Yeah this is an trap. I did expect this though. Lets prepare for it.

-Sam pov-

I let the lava flow down.

-Clover pov-

I hid under the cauldron.

-Dream pov-

He stepped on the bridge.

-........ pov-

Dream and I made eye contact.

-Sam pov-

I let the lava go down and waited.

-........ pov-

I stepped off the bridge and the lava came down again. "Hello Dream.", I said. Dream looked up at me. 

"Hey" he weakly said. I looked at the chest. Dreams eye followd me and I saw no reaction. I looked at the wall behind him. Again no reaction. I looked at the lecturn. Again no reaction. I looked at the cauldron... Ah there they were! "Hey Dream. Remember my visit a wile bakc?", I asked him with an smerk. "Yes Quackity. Yes I do."

-Dream pov-

It was Quackity. He held an pickaxe and Clover. "Hey! Could you stop!?", They said. "Sure" Quackity said as he let go of the, cousing them to fall to the ground.

-Clover pov-

Ugh what the actuall fuck. I've been thrown before and let go of like that before to. He bend down again and picked me up "well Dream. What do you say? Their live for the book?!" 

Oh really now? This guy is so mean! How could he?! "I...I...I...", was all Dream could say. 

Than in that very moment. I knew how to get out of here cousing Quackity to not have me as an weapon against Dream and for me to go and get help! 


Ah! The end of this chapter! Who knows what next chapter will hold?! I for sure do!

Can't wait to finish it! Welp see you next chapter!

Have an amazing day/night reader!

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