5 weeks later

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It's now 5 weeks laten. Lizzy is still in charge, but can now relaxe to. But still there were 'bout 30.000 more blobs that when out and look for some place else to stay. Some of us missed Dream and wanted to visit him, but we know that Sam, who we found out is the guard, probably isn't going to let us in.

"Yooooo Clover!", I heard someone yell. I turn around and see Jack walking towards me. "I was wondering if, you know, you wanted to come with me to try and sneak into the prison?", he asked me. Of course I wanted to but there was one problem," what 'bout Sam? And the other blobs? You know I can't I'm in charge of the food gatherings" I said to him. "I can't leave them."

"Ugh fine. But ay that doesn't stop me from going by myself!", Jack said. I rolled my eyes at thinking he was joking but turns out he was 100% serious. "Okay yes you can go and see, but don't come crying to me or Liz when it didn't work out" I said hoping that that would stop him.

"Okay! I'll see you soon than! Also, If I don't come back within a few days maybe try and come after me?", he said. "Ugh fine I will I will now. Let me gather the blobs I need for looking for food".

Jack went on his way right after he told Lizzy. She had the same kind of response as I had, only he didn't ask her to come after him if you wouldn't come back. The other blobs continued their tasks and 4 days later while me and some others were hopping back with some apples we saw him. "Hey everyone!!", he yelled.

"Hey Jack!", I yelled back. A few seconds later he was hopping next to me and he told me he couldn't get in eventhough he tried twice to.

I wasn't really surprised but now I myself was curious to as how easy it might be to sneak in. I gave the thought one second and than pushed at as far down as possible, the blobs need me to help get food! I can't go! I thought.

As me, Jack and the other blobs started to get back in the cave me and Jack went to Liz.

"Hey Jack" Lizzy said surprised. "I thought you would be inside or, to be honest, dead..."

Jack looked at Lizzy and chuckled "haha. What a joke Liz! You know that I will always come back!"

They continued their conversation while I went back and started to tell the blobs who helped me find the food how to divide it. "How manny apples do we have?", I asked. "We have 'bout 4 million apples. It should be enough for all if we divide it evenly.", someblob said. His name is Jared.

"Okay. Jared you and Addy take 2 million apples and devide those evenly through a little over half of the blobs me and Roze will take the other 2 million. I want to try and save a little for the winter!", I yelled and we started to devide the apples.

A few days later I still had the thought that I wanted to see how easy it would be to sneak into the prison to see Dream, and this time Jared, Addy and Roze could probably take care for a week or so. This was the real reason I had started to save a bit of food over the past couple of days.

I told Lizzy that I wanted to try and sneak into the prison. "NO!", Lizzy yelled "how could you! The blobs need you Clover!!". "No" I said "they have Jared, Addy and Roze. They can take care for at least a week if not more!", I said. "Also it is my own choice to try Liz! Not yours!", I yelled back at her.
Jack came hopping over and asked what was going on. "They want to try and sneak into the prison Jack! Stop them!", Lizzy one-sidedly said. Jack seemed to think about it and said "no. You let me go and try so why not let them try. If someone could do it it would be them and you know it."

I looked at Jack with an weird look "uuuuuuh I refused your offer of me going with you a few weeks back. Why let me go now?", I asked. Jack looked at me and said "well I actually just wanted to see if you could come up with an plan for going in. So I'm now just curious if you could do it on your own". "Well now that you say it. I do indeed have an plan.", I said with an smerk. "Liz you don't have to come looking for me if I would be back within an week from now. Jared, Addy and Roze really can take care of the food don't worry!", I said wile looking at Lizzy. Lizzy let out an frustrated sight and said "Alright fine go for it!! You can do it!", see now enthousiasticly said. And off I went after having drunk and eat something I started to hopping over to the prison.


Editor here!! I hope you enjoy this part of "a blob sneaks in" here we now get started to follow Clover into them trying to sneak in!

My writing is a bit trash I know but trust me the more the story progresses the better my writing will be!!

Have an good day/night!!

A blob sneaks in (Dream-smp)Where stories live. Discover now