Clover is inside.

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-Clover pov-

I'm finaly got inside of the prison. Dream and Tommy looking at me. "Welp. I got inside.", I said. "How are you doing Dream?", I asked him.

-Tommy pov-

Really what the fuck is that? Its an blob creature that used to follow Dream? I guess it knows everything het did but why would it try and get in? "How are you doing Dream?", it asked him. Dream looked at it and said "well uuuuh...I have been in this cage for quite sometime. I'm doing quite well."

-Dream pov-

Welp one of them got in. But how are they going to get out?

-Tommy pov-

They are quite small and intresting. The fact that they into my shoe without me noticing bothers me though. Like how the fuck did I not notice them?!?! "Soooooo what's your name?", Dream asked. "My name is Clover. And I like to use the pronouns they/them the most" Clover said. "Nice to meet you Clover!", Dream said sounding happy. "Nice to see you to Dream and you to Tommy" Clover said turning to me. "I'm here now so if you have questions you can ask them?", Clover askingly said.

-Dream pov-
Clover seemed nice. After Tommy asked what they would do to pass the time when I wouldn't be there they started to explain that they found a place to stay. And that they were in charge of chattering the food. Clover was carefully with her words. I get it though. I wouldn't fully trust this place either if I wouldn't have seen it. I know that Clover and the other blobs followed me. Just like Clover said, they were just like Tubbo's bees. So they do know 'bout the prison. "Sooooooo Clover. How did you get in?", I asked. "Well..."

-Clover pov-
And there was the question I had expected to come. How did I get in? Dream made this place so no one could get I or out unnoticed. "Well..." I said.
"I was waiting at the edge of an plainsbiome close to the entrance of the prison when I saw Tommy. I grabbed an leaf and under it started to slowly hop over. When Sam told Tommy he could come in, in a minute or two I let the leaf behind and crawled on his shoe. When Tommy was walking in I tried to get higher bit that didn't work so when he was putting away his stuff I hid I his shoe. Sam didn't notice me and now I'm here!"
I couldn't see Dreams face "cause of his mask but when Tommy looked at me he looked surprised and irritated. I was quite proud of that but also worried. "Now the question still beggs, how am I going to get out? Seeming as I just told you who I am, what I am and how I got in you probs aren't going to get me out right Tommy?", I asked him already knowing the answer.

Tommy was 'bout to answer when we heard explosions from above us. Tommy started to yell for Sam but he didn't get an answer and Dream started to tell Tommy that he and him were going to spend at least an week in prison tougheter. I was quite surprised. Yeah sure I was in the building for 'bout 30 minutes but I didn't see someone climb up the side to explode something... weird I thought to myself.

Tommy went to go into an corner and softly cried wile Dream came back to me. "Soooo do you know what that is about?", he asked me. "No I don't sorry.", I replied.

__a view days later__

-Clover pov-
I was starting to get hungry but Dream and Tommy were the only one who got food since Sam didn't know I was there.
A few hours passed by and Dream and Tommy got into an fight ending up in Dream beating Tommy to death with an potato.
Afterwards Sam came and saw Tommy's dead body. Then he also saw me and Dreams bloody hands. "Who are you, what are you and how did you get in?", Sam asked me. Dream wanted to answer for me but I cut him off. I grew a bit in size so I was 'bout half the hight of an average human and said;" I'm an blob, someone who followed Dream around before he got into prison. My name is Clover and I use they/them pronouns. I'm not going to tell you how I got in. However Dream didn't help me getting in. I did it all, the planning and the getting in, by myself" I said looking Sam dead in the eye. "Would you care to explain how Tommy had died?", he asked me as I shrinked to my usual size again.

-Sam pov-
They're a blob? Those white creatures Dream said to not worry 'bout during our meetings 'bout the prison. Oh well one got in. Now that I know that, security is going to have to check better.
"Well-", they started to explain but they got cut-off by Dream laughing hysterically. I got angry really angry. I grabbed the thing closest to me an threw it against the wall. Little did I know that that, was Clover.


Phewy! That kinda cliphanger is going to have to wait until the next chapter!
Who knows what's going to happen?!

Thank you for reading chapter 4 of this not so great fan fiction! Things are starting to hurry up here!! I hoped you enjoyed it!!

Have an amazing day/night reader! See you I the next part!

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