A new fandom. The ending

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Tw: flinching.


-Dream pov-

I know Clover had an plan. I could see it on their face. They reasured me with an smile it would be okay. I didn't know what the plan was but I did know I had to stall. 

-Clover pov-

Good he's stalling. Alright here we go. It only works with Techno's fandom collect? Oh well lets go! I started to chant in my head that I wanted to joing TechnoBlade's fandom. It started to work. I started to turn into an read cloud with an voice. I would fly out without taking damage and than go and turn into an crow for Philza's fandom.

-Quakity pov-

They started to turn into smoke? What were they doing? I hadn't notice this... Ugh I won't have something that Dream would care 'bout to use against him. "What the fuck is hapening?!", I yelled at Dream. 

Dream flinched at my voice. Good he deserves that. Now what to do 'bout the smoking blob situation? Than poof I wasn't hliding them anymore. They started to fly away into the lava. "Wait"Dream said. "Be carefull" he told them. "I will Dream. You to" it answerd. Dream nodded and it flew away. 

-Techno pov-

There I saw it. Another new voice that had joined my fandom. But before it entered my head it told me something. "Techno. It's an trap from Quackity. If you want to visit becarefull" it said and than it turned into an crow. Flying away to Philza. It stayed a little probably waiting to see if I had an letter for him, wich yes I did. I gave it and it flew away.

-Clover pov-

"I could tell you more of what happened reader, but I dont know how. Techno is now in the prison, Quackity doesn't visit him anymore although he might visit later again. Dream XD was summond and Philza got the Syndicate thougheter and told them, but there is were I left so I could share this story! I hope you liked it! I know it's short but I didn't leave anything out so. Have an great time on earth! Bye friend!", I said as I left...


5797 words!? Thats this whole book excluding the editors notes! That is amazing! This is just an little story I wanted to make to test out wattpad! Thank you for reading dear reader!

Have an amazing day or night! See you in another story Reader! Also. If its night time go to sleep

A blob sneaks in (Dream-smp)Where stories live. Discover now