Number of tries #4

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As i stand behind a tree infront of the prison i could see someone with an read and white shirt walking near the entrance. This would be my fourth time trying to sneak in and he stood still thinking their was no one else and went to go and stand in an corner. I grabbed an fallen leaf and ducked under it wile hopping to him. His name being Tommy. I didn't like that he was the one hat i would be sneaking in on but i atleast had to try. I left the others behind saying that I would try my hardest.

As I hit the concrete Tommy was standing on I had to leave the leaf hehind. Luckely for me Sam came through the portal saying that Tommy could come in. I hopped over as fast as I could and made it onto his shoe.

Tommy walked into the room and he and Sam went over the first book. As they were doing that I went to climb up higher. I tried getting into his pocked but I failed to when he had to put away his things I decided it would be better for me to hide inside his shoe. It would protect me from the lava and Sam wouldn't be able to feel me as I was inside the shoe. The only problem there would be is for when I would be leaving the prison since I thought I wouldn't really get in I didn't come up with an plan to get out...

-Sam pov-

As Tommy was coming back from putting away his stuff I lead him to the first room were I would check if he would try and sneak in some items. I checked and it didn't seem to be so. We continued walking and eventually came to the lava wall.

-Tommy pov-

As the lava lowerd I could see Dream looking at me. He was sitting against one of the walls. I looked back at Dream and we made eye contact.

-Dream pov-

Mmmmh Tommy came again. Other than Bad no one else really came. Same came to give me my food but he would go back as fast as he possibly could. I know that Tommy is kind of rubbing in that he won but i do still like the fact that he fisists me.

-Clover pov-

Oh god his foot smells. Well I guess that's what i get for hiding here. I felt Tommy going to stand a bit more straight and I heard Sam saying "alright Tommy walk with the platform". Sam pulled an lever and a few seconds later the platform started to move. Tommy walked with the platform and when it had hit the cell Tommy stepped of and I heard Sam yell "alright Tommy you have 30 minutes. If you want to come back before that just call me!".

I heard some lava drop down again and pistons going down not shortly after. "Hey Dream" Tommy said. "Hey Tommy" I heard Dream say in an not that used voice.

I made it. I had made it! I made it into the prison. Now how was I going to see Dream without letting Tommy or Sam know I was there...

-Sam pov-
I've been waiting here for just about 5 to 10 minutes, waiting for Tommy to tell me he wanted to leave. I've heard Tommy and Dream talking 'bout the fact that Tommy had won their battle. Well heard them talking wasn't really the right words it was more Tommy rubbing it into Dreams face.

-Tommy pov-
God what's in my shoe? It's sooo anoying. I didn't want to tell Sam, I didn't want him thinking I tried to sneak it in, but it's getting anoying!

-Dream pov-
Tommy looked un-easy. If I was correct there was something in his shoe. After all he was looking at it allot.

-Tommy pov-
I took of my shoe.

-Dream pov-
Something white fell out and it made a sound when it hit the floor.

-Clover pov-
Tommy took of his shoe and shook it so I fell out. I felt the air in my lungs disappeare "ouch", I softly murmured.

I got up and both Dream and Tommy looked at me. "What the fuck!", Tommy said. "What was that!?", we heard Sam ask.

Tommy wanted to answer but Dream was quick and put his hand over his mouth making the chains around his hands rinkel. "It's nothing Sam. Just...just an weirdly shaped bruise on my arm! Probably from the chains!", Dream yelled back.
"Oh oké Dream..."

Dream gave a look at Tommy telling him to first figure out himself what I was and than to alarm Sam.

-Tommy pov-
I looked at Dream and than back at the white creature that fell out of my shoe. "What are you?", I asked it making sure Sam wouldn't hear me. The thing sighted and said "I'm an blob. As you may or may not have seen Tommy. Me and the others used to follow Dream around. You can see us as the bees who follow Tubbo.", it said.

-Dream pov-
One actually made it in! Woah. Didn't think that would happen! Am I glad Tommy shut up 'bout it!


Hello there peep! I'm happy you decided to read this fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed the story up until now!!

I'll be trying to write a chapter everyday but I don't know if I am able to!
Have an nice day/night reader!! See you in the next chapter!

A blob sneaks in (Dream-smp)Where stories live. Discover now