Chapter 13: Steven Stone

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"How many times do we have to go through that forest?" I ask. That forest is getting incredibly annoying. Same pokemon, same paths, same people. Chatot clicks his tongue impatiently.

"Come on, Dawn. We have to find Mr. Briney. Not only do we need to get to Dewford Town, but we need to return Peeko." he says. Oh yeah. I forgot we saved the little Wingull from another Team Magma grunt. I look down at the little guy sitting by my feet. The poor thing is still shivering from fright. I gently pick him up and stroke his back. I nod silently and set off down the path. A breeze blows lightly over the ocean and caresses my face. Wingulls ride the air currents above me and Zigzagoons play in the long grass next to the path. The waves roll across the sand before seceding back into the sea. I stop for a moment and watch the sun sink lower towards the horizon. I want to stay here for the rest of my life without any worries. I wish life could be this perfect, but reality has been cruel to me. It taught me what life can really do to people. I shake my head and continue onwards. Chatot chirps next to me. I look up and spot a small cabin next to a pier. A small boat is docked and a man stands outside the door of the boat. I'm guessing he is Mr. Briney. I break into a sprint and reach him in a matter of seconds.

"Hi." I say, tapping his shoulder. He turns around and I grin at him. He grins back.

"Hi. My name is Hikari. I was walking through the forest when I came across your Wingull, Peeko, being harassed by a criminal. I saved him and brought him here. He is your isn't he?" I hold out Peeko and the man immediately brightens up. He carefully picks up Peeko and strokes his back. Peeko chirps happily.

"Yes, he is mine. He has been missing since this morning and I was getting really worried. I couldn't go after him in my old age. Thank you so much. How can I repay you?" He says hugging the bird. Perfect. Now I can ask him to give me a ride to Dewford Town. I clear my throat.

"Actually, I need a ride to Dewford Town. I have a letter to deliver to Steven Stone from his father. Can you help me?" Mr. Briney smiles.

"Yes, I can. Hop on and we'll be off to Dewford." he says. He walks up the gangplank onto the ship and gets behind the wheel. I give Chatot a small smile before boarding. Mr. Briney starts the engine and backs out of the dock. Soon we're riding across the water towards Dewford Town.

"Use Psychic!" Ralts eyes glow blue and lifts Makuhita into the air before slamming him into the ground.

"Retaliate using Knock Off!" Brawly yells. Makuhita gets back up and runs at Ralts. Ralts is too stunned to do anything. Makuhita hits him and Ralts slams into the wall. I bit my lip anxiously.

"Come on, Ralts! I know you can do this!" I shout encouragingly. Ralts struggles to stand. He's breathing heavily and his limbs are shaking.

"I won't...give up." he says in determination. He gets to his feet and raises his head defiantly. Suddenly, he starts glowing and his limbs extend. When the light dies down Kirlia is standing in the place of Ralts. I'm so excited. First Combusken and now Kirlia. I grab my pokedex and frantically look through the stats. I grin and slip the pokedex back into my back.

"Okay, Kirlia. Lets finish this. Use Hypnosis then Psychic." I say confidently.

"This is going to be fun." He sneers. His eyes glow and he walks up to Makuhita. Makuhita starts swaying and he falls to the ground. Brawly looks shocked.

"No! Makuhita!" He yells. I laugh silently. The bigger they are the harder they fall. Kirlia's eyes glow blue and he slams Makuhita into the wall. Makuhita collapses, his eyes now swirls. The referee raises his flags.

"Makuhita is unable to battle. The winner is Kirlia which means Hikari wins." I pump my fist in the air. Kirlia runs over to me and grins. I kneel down next to him.

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