The Agony of School

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I'm so freaking sorry guys!!! I wish I could update more often, but guess what happened to me. Summer school. -.- WHYYYYYYYYY????? My parents put me in it to advance in math and get in a higher class next year. The day starts at 9 and continues until 4. After that the fun (pain) continues with 2 hours of geometry homework and another hour of studying french so I can advance in that next year. KILL ME PLZ!!! I really want to update, but I don't have the time. Right when I was reaching the good part to. D:  Again, WHYYYYY????? Why you do this to me school???? While I sort out the problems of my life (which I'm sure many of you also have) I will be thinking about the stories and I came up with an idea than if I get writer's block again (which will some point) you guys can comment on my message board either giving me ideas or we can work on a story together. So much fun!!! But until my torture ends in about 6 weeks (6 WEEKS!) my stories are going to be put on hold. I'm so sorry! I feel terrible and I wish there was something I can do. I'll talk to you all later when I (eventually) publish the next chapter of All Alone. See you guys and thanks for following and commenting! It means a lot to me!!! :D (cheers me up when I'm doing homework :) )

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