Chapter 30: Some Questions are Answered

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My hair blows in the wind as Paul and I travel down Route 110 towards Slateport. A shiver runs up my body and I pull the jacket closer. I glance up at Paul who is walking with his head down and eyes closed. I gulp, nervous to ask him something that's been on my mind for a while. I look at Chatot for advice, but he just bobs his head, encouraging me to go through with it. My mind races, trying to think of Paul's reaction to this. What is he yells at me? It's just a simple question and I need to know. I sigh, giving into the temptation.

"Hey, Paul?" I ask, grabbing his attention. He grunts and opens his eyes to look at me. I nearly crumble under his gaze, but I keep myself going.

"I-I was wondering why you were following me the first week I was here." I stutter, staring at the ground. He looks thoughtful for a moment before giving me his answer.

"I saw you talking to Chatot and I thought it was strange, so I decided to battle you. When I saw you using combinations to your advantage like a coordinator would I thought you were hiding something." I tilt my head to look at him. He's staring at the river next to us. We stop and I sit down under a tree next to the bank. Paul walks over and joins me, sliding down the tree to sit next to me.

"I didn't know who you were at the time." he says suddenly, startling me. Chatot sits in my lap, listening intently. Paul continues with his explanation.

"I guess you reminded me of yourself when you were ten." he sighs, glaring at the ground. "So I followed you to find out more. When you finally revealed yourself and your powers that night I was shocked." I stare at him. I wonder if it's something else other than my powers that shocked him.

"I have a feeling that it wasn't just my powers that surprised you." I whisper, more to myself. He hears me though.

"You're right. The thought that you had been hiding for five years surprised me along with the thought that you didn't tell anyone that you were even alive." he growls slightly, his anger rising. "Everyone thought you were dead, gone. I started believing it too, until you showed up in Petalburg." Tears appear at the edge of my eyes and I quickly wipe them away.

"I never knew." I say softly, looking up at the sky. "I though it was best that I didn't tell anyone. I didn't want anyone to get hurt or possibly killed." Paul shakes his head slowly, crossing his arms.

"May was absolutely devastated, along with Misty and Ash. They were your closest friends and as the years passed they just gave up hope. At least May and Drew are together now." Paul explains.

I slowly lower my head and stare at Paul. Why did he continue to search for me then when even my friends gave up hope? He never even acknowledged my talent, let alone called me a friend. My gaze softens when I realize he did all this because he cares for me.

I carefully stoke Chatot's back to soothe myself and he purrs gratefully. He spots a small, lavender flower and picks it up, snapping its stem with his beak. He brings it over to me and I gently rub the six petals attached to it.

" never gave up." I whisper quietly, putting the flower in the river. I watch it as it flows downstream and out of my sight. Paul stares at me, his eyes softening slightly.

"No, I didn't. I had a feeling you were still out there. You were stubborn when I first met you, part of the reason I called you 'Troublesome'." he smirks. I growl and lightly punch him in the arm. He smirks and chuckles before leaning back against the tree. A frown crosses his face and he closes his eyes.

"I just have one question." he says slowly. I tilt my head in confusion and look at him.

"What?" I question him curiously. He shifts a bit before answering.

"You had a terrible experience, so why didn't you change to my personality?" he asks cautiously. I stare at the ground, unsure about how to answer that question.

"I...I think I did pick up some of your traits." He looks at me, urging me to go on. "I did keep my emotions locked up for some time afterwards. I refused to talk to strangers and when I finished the battle I just shook the opponents hand, collected my prize, and left without saying a word. I guess things started to change when I met Chatot, I risked my life to save him and in return he got me to open up." I explain, looking down at Chatot with a soft smile gracing my lips. "He helped me get some of my old personality back, although I still am harsh when it comes to strangers." Paul slowly nods, thinking about what I said. I decide to make a daring move.

"What happened to you?" I ask softly. He jumps, slightly startled by the sudden question. He hesitates for a few moments. I slide closer to him and gently put my hand on his shoulder. He stiffens at first, but slowly relaxes. He sighs and looks at me. I smile at him and he looks down.

"My family wasn't well off either." he starts. I slide my hand off his shoulder and put it in my lap.

"My dad was an alcoholic and he died in a car accident when he was coming home from a bar. My mom left soon after because she couldn't take the responsibility. I was five at the time and my brother has been taking care of me ever since." he says. I stare at the ground in shock. I never knew this about Paul. My eyes water slightly and I glance back up at him. He is looking out at the river, watching it flow swiftly over the rocks.

"I guess...that's one thing we have in common. We can help each other because we have both been through something similar. We know how we feel towards strangers and what it's like to live without our parents." I say quietly. Paul looks at me and I do something I would normally never do. I slide over to Paul and quickly put my arms around him. Paul's eyes widen in surprise and I tighten the hug. I bury my head in his chest, trying to hide my tears.

"You'll help me through this, right? I'll stay with you and keep you company in return." I whimper into his chest. When he hears me say this he carefully wraps his arms around me and gently hugs me back. A small smile appears on my face and I look up at him. He looks back at me and gives me a small smile, making my heart explode.

"Thanks, Troublesome." he whispers sincerely. My smile widens and I stare into his dark eyes.

"Your welcome, Paul" I reply softly.

What do you think? I hope Paul isn't too OOC. I actually have wifi here, but we are going to be very busy. I'll update as soon as I can. Please comment! :)

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