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A WEEK AFTER Johnny got beat up by the socs, Skye made it her life's mission to make the Socs life hell.

Every Soc she saw she would bother them, either by tripping them, throwing things like pencils or paper at them when they weren't looking, or "accidentally" spilling her lunch all over them.

She didn't know who hurt Johnny, but she didn't care. All she knew was that socs hurt Johnny, and she wasn't going to let that go.

They always made their life hell, so why shouldn't she do the same thing to them?

Johnny still looked like hell, but he was getting better. The first few days he couldn't even eat anything, which caused him to lose a lot of weight.

But now he's able to eat, but only little by little because it hurts him too much. He's able to sit up now, but he can still barely walk.

He hasn't moved from the couch since the day they found him. It hurt Skye to look at him like that, but she went over to the Curtis house everyday to see him and take care of him and keep him company when the gang was out.

They talked the whole time Skye was there, well Skye talked, Johnny couldn't talk as much so he usually just listened.

"You want anything? A glass of water? Chocolate cake?" Skye questioned Johnny who was sitting up on the couch.

"I'm good, thanks Skye." he gave her a small smile and she nodded, "Okay, just let me know if you need anything." she said and he nodded.

"Have you seen the guys who beat me up?" Johnny asked quietly, "No, maybe they don't go to school, I don't know, honestly I was too busy trying to help you to even get a good look at their faces," Skye said.

"Yeah, I didn't get much of a good look either." Johnny said, "But, I promise you, that I am not going to let those stupid socs bother you ever again." Skye said.

Johnny smiled at the girl, "Thanks Skye."

The door burst open and the boys walked in, Two-Bit and Steve rushed into the house and they began to wrestle.

Skye rolled her eyes at the two and Darry and Pony walked in with groceries in their hands and they both carried them into the kitchen.

Soda walked in last and he went over to Skye, "Hey, uh, can we talk?" He asked her and she looked over at Johnny who shrugged and she looked back at Soda and nodded.

She stood up and followed Soda out of the house, "What's up?" She asked him as she followed him off the porch.

"People are telling me that you keep messing with the socs," Soda said, "Okay, so?"

"So, you should stop."

"Why the hell would I do that?"

"Because, Skye, they could seriously hurt you, I mean you saw what they did to Johnny...I just don't want the same thing to happen to you," Soda said.

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