Fourty nine

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SODA HAD BEEN in the hospital for a week now, and he still hadn't woken up. School was almost over in two weeks so Skye was struggling to study for exams and to finish up any left over homework.

Throughout the week Skye took Johnny to visit Dallas like she had promised. They had borrowed Two-Bits car down to the station he was being held at.

According to the cops he wouldn't be there long, since it was just a fight, he would only be there a few more weeks.

The cop led them to Dally's cell, and there he was, laying on his metal bed. "Wake up, you got visitors." The cop said and Dallas sat up in his bed, his brows furrowed.

He looked at the two in surprise, he didn't expect anyone to come visit him. The cop walked away and Dallas sat up right in his bed, but he didn't stand up nor look at them.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Visiting you, isn't it obvious?"

Dallas rolled his eyes at the girl, "You shouldn't be here, you should be with Soda."

"Soda can handle being alone for a few hours, you on the other hand?" Skye said. "I'm fine. I don't need any visitors." Dallas said and Skye shrugged, "Well too bad."

Dallas glared at her and she glared right back, Johnny looked between the two nervously. " you doing Dal? The food any good?" Johnny asked, trying to direct the conversation to a different topic.

Dallas scoffed, "Hell no. Foods never good, but I'm doing alright Johnny," Dallas reassured the boy, last thing Dallas wanted was for Johnny to worry about someone like him.

Johnny already had enough to worry about, he was the last thing Johnny needed to worry about.

"How long you in here for?" Skye asked and Dallas shrugged, "A few more weeks, they aren't gonna keep me in here for a stupid fight."

"You're right it was a stupid fight, why'd you do it? You could have left it alone but you decided that it would be a good idea to go after Bob, well it wasn't a good idea, look where it got you!" Skye scolded him.

"What did you want me to do? Huh? Did you just expect me to leave it alone? You know that's not how I roll, I'm not going to just stand around while Bob goes around hurting all of you, he nearly killed Soda, he already beat up on me once, hell he even got to you too!" Dallas shouted.

Skye's face dropped at those last words, "I don't need you to defend me! Fighting him was stupid but of course you don't care."

"No, I don't care. I've been in jail plenty of times this time isn't any different, you seriously didn't believe that I would just stand back and let all of this happen did you?"

"No, I just didn't expect you to be stupid enough to get caught." And with that, Skye walked away. Johnny glanced at Dallas who was staring down at his feet, he sighed and he walked after Skye.

He followed her out the building and all the way to the parking lot where she stopped to take a deep breath.

"You okay?" Johnny asked her, he didn't know why he asked, he already knew the answer. Skye looked at him and sighed, "Yeah, I'm good, sorry for yelling." she said.

Johnny smiled softly, "It's okay, I don't mind it, I'm used to it." he shrugged and Skye frowned, he shouldn't have to be used to it.

She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and they walked back to the car.

She dropped Johnny off at the lot and she drove back to the Curtis house, when she got there she went straight to her textbooks. After the little incident with Bob she was surprised they didn't suspend her.

Turns out none of the teachers found out about it, looks like Bob didn't want it getting out that he had gotten his broken nose from a girl.

Every time she passed him in the hallways she would glare at him, she wasn't afraid of him anymore. Not after she realized how much of a coward he really was.

But she was never going to forget what he did to her, that's not something she can just move on from. What he did to her will forever follow her, what he did left a permanent scar, not physically but mentally.

She still thought about it all the time, she thought about it so much that she hadn't slept ever since it happened.

Every time she closes her eyes to try and sleep, she's brought back to that traumatizing night, it haunts her dreams.

She's sick and tired of thinking about it, it's exhausting. It's affected her in so many ways, physically and especially mentally.

She thought back to Soda and how long it took her to warm up to his touch again, she didn't think she would ever be able to recover from that but she pulled through.

But she didn't think she would ever let anyone touch her like that again, not even Soda. It just brought too many horrible memories and thoughts, it would take her a while to get used to that.

She finished up the last assignment that she had to do and now she was free to study for the exams that she had to take in a week. It was the weekend and here she was spending it studying instead of spending it at the hospital with her unconscious boyfriend.

She would much rather be with him than be sitting there, at Pony's desk, studying for stupid exams. Darry and Pony were at the hospital with Soda, they had been there since after breakfast.

Skye stared down at her textbooks, contemplating whether or not to ditch her studies so she could see Soda.

After a few minutes of just sitting there thinking, she finally decided, "Fuck it." She slammed her textbook shut and she grabbed all of the textbooks she was going to need to study and she stuffed them into her backpack.

She was going to study at the hospital.

She drove off in Two-Bits car towards the hospital. She checked in with the nurse and she headed to Soda's room. She knocked on the door and she heard Darry say, "Come in."

She smiled and she opened the door, sliding her backpack down her shoulder as she walked in. The second her eyes made contact with Soda's, her heart dropped and her backpack fell to the floor with a loud thud.

His beautiful blue eyes were open, and they were staring right back at her.

He was awake.

HE'S AWAKEEE. About time he woke up, I missed writing him🥹

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