Fourty one

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SKYE WAS BACK at work and she wasn't too happy about it, but she needed the money so there she was, behind the register bored out of her mind.

She hated the slow days, nothing exciting ever happened.

Soda was in the back with Steve helping out with a car, not that she minded. A few customers came and went, they were mostly greasers with your occasional soc.

She sat there behind the register reading a magazine she had grabbed off one of the racks.  She was flipping through the pages, not really interested in the magazine all too much.

She heard the ding of the bell signaling that someone had just walked in, she didn't care enough to see who walked in, she kept her eyes trained on the boring magazine in front of her.

"Would you look at that, fait just keeps bringing us together, huh?"

Skye's heart dropped at the familiar voice, all the color from her face faded. She slowly put the magazine down and made eye contacted with the last person she wanted to see.

Bob Sheldon.

She stared at him in shock, fear, and anger.

"Aren't you going to say something?" He asked her, he knew how scared she was, and he was taking advantage of that.

He took a step towards the counter and Skye stumbled out of the chair and took a step back. He smirked when he noticed how scared she was of him, "What are you scared?"

She didn't say anything, instead she ran out from behind the counter and jolted towards the back door where Soda and Steve were.

She almost made it but Bob was faster than her, he stepped in front of her and she backed up almost tripping on her own two feet.

He gave her a sinister look and he slowly walked closer to her, that's when she finally got the courage to scream.


Bob's eyes widened and he whipped around to see the back door open and Soda and Steve walk in, both ready to fight.

Soda looked at Bob and then at Skye who looked absolutely terrified. His nose flared in anger and he charged at Bob, grabbing a fistful of his expensive button-up and pushing him against the counter.

He stared down at Bob in anger, Bob stared back a smirk on his face. He wasn't fazed at all.

"Hey there Sodapop, long time no see buddy," he grinned, Soda's grip on his shirt tightened, "I ain't your buddy, pal."

Bob held his hands out in defense, "Okay then, there's no need for any of this we were just talkin',"

"Oh yeah? Then why was she screaming?"

"Hey, how should I know? Girls crazy and delusional," Bob said and then he glanced over at Skye, "But she's real good in bed I'll tell you that."

Hearing that, Soda punched Bob in the stomach and turned him around, slamming his head onto the counter.

Bob let out a groan and Soda leaned down, "You and your soc buddies better meet us at the park on Friday, nine o' clock sharp, it's time to have ourselves a little rumble," Soda sneered.

He let go of Bob and Steve grabbed Bob's arm and twisted it back, he grabbed onto Bob's shoulder and guided him out the door. He shoved him out of the gas station and shouted cuss words at him until he reached his car and drove off.

He walked back into the gas station and let out a sigh. Soda walked up to Skye ready to pull her into a tight hug but she backed away from him.

Soda frowned, "Skye?"

"I'm sorry, I have to go."

Skye rushed out the door and Soda followed after her, "Skye!" He called out but she kept on walking.
Soda let out a frustrated groan and he kicked the garbage can that stood near the door.

Steve walked out, "Where's she going?"

Soda ran a hand down his face, "I don't know."

"Should we go after her?"

Soda thought about it for a second, "No, she needs to be alone right now, I'm sure she'll be okay...I hope." Soda mumbled the last part.

He didn't want to go out looking for her right away, he would look for her after his shift, it was almost over anyways.

He just hoped she wouldn't get into any trouble.

Skye walked the streets of Tulsa, tears threatening to escape her teary eyes. She hated herself for not standing up to Bob when she had the chance, he was right there she could've done some thing, said something.

But all she did was stand there like a coward.

She hated how he made her feel scared, terrified, unsafe. She wanted to punch the daylights out of him but every time he was around she would freeze up.

He took away her innocence.

He stripped her away from any dignity and ounce of happiness she had left.

He was proud of it, too. He felt no remorse whats so ever and she hated that. She wanted to make him regret what he did to her, and that's when it struck her.

The rumble.

She knew the boys would never let her go and fight but she wanted to make Bob and those socs pay. She was going to that rumble whether they liked it or not, she would just have to sneak past Pony and Johnny.

Which shouldn't be that hard, they were easily distracted.

She hugged herself tighter, the tears were gone and she walked towards the Curtis house, more confidently.

Oh how she was looking forward to Friday.

This is really short but I just wanted to prepare y'all for what's to come. You might hate me after next chapter, and I just wanted to apologize beforehand😁👍🏻 (Also happy Easter!!)

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