The train ride

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It was early June, and the Genova train was heading to Portorosso. Luca was bouncing up and down in excitement. "I can't wait to get back home!" "Yeah, I missed Papa and Machiavelli," Giulia said, nodding energetically. "I can't wait to see Alberto! I missed him a lot," Luca started. "I mean, he was the one who pulled me out of the ocean, AND he sold his Vespa for me to go to school, I'm just so grateful. I'm sad he didn't come, he would've liked it." Giulia knew what was going on. In fact, she knew ever since the night she gave Luca her astrology book. "Somebody's excited," she said with a smirk, elbowing Luca. Luca blushed slightly, but otherwise not showing any reaction. "Yeah, of course I am! A-Alberto's my best friend!" Giulia mentally facepalmed a million times. "Uh-huh." Suddenly, the train stopped. Luca sprang up and grabbed his suitcase. "Let's go!"

The two teenagers got off of the train and looked for Massimo and Alberto. Suddenly, Luca felt a tap on his shoulder. "Luca?" A familiar voice filled his ears. He spun around and saw Alberto, now half a foot taller. Luca grew as well, but not as much as him. He gasped. "ALBERTO!!!" He cried, wrapping his arms around him in an embrace. "I missed you," Alberto whispered. After about a minute, they let go of each other. "So how was school?" Alberto asked. Holy carp, his voice is kinda deep! Luca thought, blushing. "It was awesome!" "Well maybe you can teach me everything you learned," Alberto said enthusiastically.

Once they reached their house, Luca and Giulia immediately noticed something different about Giulia's "hideout". Alberto laughed. "The tree grew a lot this year, so we updated it! It's called a treehouse." Luca was amazed. He dashed to the "treehouse", which now had walls and a roof, like a normal house. "Wow," was all he could say. it even had real windows and a door. "Since you boys didn't have a real room, I decided to make one," Massimo said. "Alberto helped me." Alberto looked proud, but also a bit sheepish as Massimo put a hand on his shoulder and smiled softly.

Once they got everything unpacked and ready, they finally went inside their new tree-room. It had everything they needed: sleeping bags, a mirror, extra blankets, pillows, and lighting (fairy lights). Alberto's side was already clearly claimed (he wrote his name on that side) so Luca went to his side and sat on his sleeping bag. "This is awesome," he said to Alberto, smiling his little smile (you know the one). Oh my god, stop racing, stupid heart! Alberto thought. He got a marker and handed it to Luca. "What is this for?" Luca asked. "Well, I wrote my name, so you should too," Alberto stated. Luca was then confused about another thing. "I've never written on a wall before, is it the same thing?" "Not exactly. Here, look, so you take the marker..." Alberto grabbed Luca's hand and guided it, showing him how to write on the wall. Meanwhile, Alberto was screaming at Bruno to shut up: Silenzio Bruno, Silenzio Bruno, Silenzio Bruno! "So that's how... you... write on the..." Alberto gazed into Luca's eyes, and Luca gazed into Alberto's. They started gravitating very slowly towards each other. Alberto quickly snapped out of it. "Uh- yeah, that's how to do it," Alberto said, finally letting go of The smaller boy's hand, whose face was bright pink. "U-uh yeah thanks..." Luca said, smiling. Holy carp what just happened, that was really weird! Luca thought as he wrote his name on the wall.


To celebrate Luca and Giulia coming home, Massimo made trenette al pesto for dinner. Luca's family came, and Alberto sat next to Luca, both of them laughing and talking throughout the meal. Luca's grandmother looked at both of them, smiling. "Mom, what are you looking at?" Daniela whispered. "Them," she answered. "If you can't tell what's going on, you're blind." she chuckled and went back to eating. Daniela was confused.

~This chapter is so short I'm starting another right after I post this one~

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