Summer's End

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Fireflies swarmed around the top of the island tower. Luca, Alberto, and Giulia had decided to go to the tower together to look at the stars, since summer was almost over. It was a clear night. "Look! you can see Marte!" Giulia said, pointing to Mars. "It looks like a tiny star, but you can tell that it's Marte because it's a bit red." Alberto and Luca looked up. She was right, it did look kind of red. Alberto looked back at his boyfriend, who had a look of innocent awe as he gazed at the Milky Way. I'll love him forever, he promised himself. No matter what, I'll protect him. Looking back at the stars, he slid his hand towards Luca's, brushing his pinky finger against Luca's hand, and Luca promptly slid his hand into Alberto's, resting his head on the other's shoulder. Giulia noticed the couple showing affection towards each other and smiled. She was happy for them.


Alberto and Luca woke up every morning next to each other, and they spent everyday together, making the most of the time they had left together. It was finally the day before Giulia and Luca had to leave, and Luca was already all packed up. "Alberto, do you want to go swimming?" Luca asked. Alberto was already up by the time he finished the question. "Yeah, let's go." They ran to the beach and jumped in the water, swimming through the areas without homes. They found a long, flat rock that looked kind of like human benches, so they sat down there. Luca sighed. "I'm really gonna miss you, Beto..." Luca said, leaning on his boyfriend. "I'm gonna miss you too, stellina," Alberto said, wrapping his arm around Luca. "The past year was pretty hard, and when you came back, I was so happy. But now you're leaving again." Luca was fighting back tears. "Yeah, I-I won't see you again... until June..." Alberto held Luca close. "Luca, it's okay to cry." So he did. He cried a lot. "You're gonna make me cry too," Alberto said, laughing and rubbing his eyes. (A/N: same ;v;) They sat there, one crying a little bit, and the other unable to control his tears. "I'll be there with you like last time, Luca. Every time you tell Bruno to be quiet, every time you jump off a cliff, it's still me," Alberto said, holding Luca's face so he could look in his eyes. "Ti amo. Ti amo tanto, stellina." (I love you. I love you so much, stellina.) "Ti amo anch'io, Beto," Luca whispered. (I love you too, Beto.) Luca wrapped the end of his tail around Alberto's, which is a sea monster custom that communicates deep affection. They sat at that rock and admired the ocean for a bit longer, their tails wrapped around each other the entire time.

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