Bad cat

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Luca and Alberto both awakened to the soft sea breeze coming through the open window. Alberto was the first to notice Machiavelli laying down where the light was hitting on the floor, and gently pet his head. The black and white cat started purring, moving his head up towards Alberto's hand. Machiavelli grew a soft spot for Alberto, following him around and rubbing up against his legs when he's standing or sitting. Luca was watching them happily. "He likes you now, I'm guessing," he remarked. Alberto laughed. "Yeah, I guess he just got used to me." Luca walked up to the now affectionate cat. The aforementioned animal looked up at Luca threateningly as if he were going to hurt the taller boy. Alberto quickly noticed and picked the cat up quickly, cautiously walking towards Luca to show he's not a threat. He then grabbed his hand- Silenzio Bruno!!!- and put it on Machiavelli's head, who just accepted it and let Luca pet him.

They then went down to the main room of the house and ate their breakfast: eggs, bacon, and toast. Machiavelli was lying down between Luca and Alberto on the floor, eyeing the bacon strips that Luca was eating. Eventually, he saw the chance and lept onto Luca's lap, stealing the bacon. "Hey! Give that- ow!" Luca and Alberto both leaned down to catch the bacon thief, and bonked heads. "Oh geez, Luca, are you okay?" Alberto asked. Luca was holding his head, hurt from the collision. "Machiavelli! Bad cat!" Giulia scolded. He was unfazed, eating the last of the bacon strip he stole as he ran out of the house. "Sorry, Luca-" She then noticed that Alberto was examining Luca's head to make sure he was okay. And they were very close. Massimo was out chasing Machiavelli, so they were the only ones in the room. "I'll go get some ice," Giulia said, leaving.

"A-Alberto, I'm fine, I swear!" Luca said, praying he didn't notice that his cheeks were an inhuman shade of red. "You just hit your head," Alberto stated, his voice full of worry. "I don't want you hurt." Luca's heart started racing at those words. More specifically, the tone and context. Alberto cared about him. And he was also holding Luca's face. And looking into his eyes. And there was no one around. They heard the thumping noises of Giulia's feet running back with the ice, and quickly moved away from each other. "I have the ice!" she proclaimed proudly, holding up the towel filled with ice. "Grazie, Giulia," he said. "But it feels fine now." "Oh. I guess we can use this to water the plants when it melts..." she suggested to herself, walking away with the ice. At that moment Massimo came back in with Machiavelli. "I don't know what's gotten into him," Massimo sighed. "He never acts like this."

~Fun fact of the day! Cats can tell when humans want a mate, and who it is. If they have a deep enough sense of respect for you, they will try to help you get your mate. Of course, they obviously aren't this smart in real life, and will usually do what cats do for other cats to get a mate, so I wanted to put my own little twist into the piece of information for the sake of the story.~

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