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Word got around quickly about Luca and Alberto, and they were very happy for the new couple. When they were out in the plaza, Guido and Ciccio came up to congratulate the two.

"Hey, Alberto!" Guido called, running towards him, with Ciccio following. "I didn't know the idiote could get a date!" Ciccio teased playfully, roughhousing with him. "Hey, Luca," Guido motioned to him while the two boys were playing around so he could talk somewhat privately. "You really make Alberto happy," he whispered. "You mean a lot to him. I don't want to see him hurt, so please treat him well." "I promise," Luca vowed. Guido smiled and turned back to Ciccio. "Hey, okay that's enough!" he shouted. "We don't want him to break a bone like in November."

Later that day, Luca was fighting with himself over something, and Alberto could tell. He walked over to Luca's side of the room. "Something wrong, stellina?" he asked, snapping Luca out of his thoughts. "Oh, uh, yeah," he replied. "I was just thinking if we should tell my parents about us."

"Well, I'd be fine with it, so I'd go through with it if you want to."
Luca nodded. "Okay. When should we go?"
"How about now?"
"Like, now now?"
"Yeah, why not?"
"Yeah... Yeah, why not? Let's go now!" And with that, they left for the Paguro household, hand in hand.

On the swim to Luca's house, they passed the area where they first met. "Hey, Luca, remember when you thought I was a human?" Alberto teased, chuckling. "Don't remind me. I was scared out of my mind," Luca laughed, remembering how blind he was to what was out there. "Oh, we're here." "You ready?" Alberto asked, squeezing Luca's hand. "Yeah," Luca replied, letting go. "I'm ready."

"Hey, Mom!" Luca said as he entered the house with Alberto. "Luca! Oh, I missed you so much!" Daniela cried, hugging the life out of him. "Hey, Bubble," Grandma Paguro said, freeing him from his mother's grasp. "I see you brought Alberto this time," Lorenzo said with a smile. "Nice to see you again, kid." "You too, Mr. Paguro," Alberto replied. "Would you like to have dinner with us?" "Oh, Mom, it's fine, we're having dinner at Giulia's," Luca explained. "So what have you boys been up to?" Grandma Paguro asked. "There's that new flavor of gelato in the shop, it's delicious." "Yeah, the caramel gelato is pretty good," Alberto agreed. "Wait, Mom, when did you go to the surface without us?" Daniela asked. "Eh, I have my own life," she said, swatting away the question. "Uh, Mom? There's something we wanted to tell you, actually." Immediately, everyone stopped what they were doing and listened. "Yes? What is it, sweetie?" Daniela asked. "Well... you see, I- um, we, uh," Luca couldn't get the words out, and looked up at his boyfriend for help. "Mr. and Mrs. Paguro, Luca and I are dating," he announced, grabbing Luca's hand.

"You're dating Alberto?" Grandma Paguro asked plainly. "Um... yeah," Luca said awkwardly, begging the ocean floor to open up and swallow him whole. "Luca... are you telling us you're gay?" Daniela asked, swimming closer. "Y-Yeah?" There was a short silence between them all. Suddenly, she hugged both Luca and Alberto in each arm. "Oh, I'm so happy for you two! It must've been so scary to tell us," she cried. "I'm glad you told us, son," Lorenzo said, smiling softly to Luca. After Daniela let go, Grandma Paguro swam up to Daniela and cleared her throat. Daniela sighed, pulled out some euros, and gave it to her. "Told ya," Grandma Paguro claimed proudly. "Wait, you guys were betting on us!?" Luca asked, his face turning a light tint of pink. Alberto was laughing. "I can't even begin to tell you, Luca. Your family is awesome."

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