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Alberto woke up to the sound of waves from the ocean. And then he looked down at Luca, who was snuggling him. He gave him a gentle kiss on the head, and that woke him up. Well, he was pretending to be asleep still. Alberto chuckled. "I know you're awake, Luca." sighing in defeat, he looked up at Alberto and smiled. "Did you just kiss me?" he asked.
Luca blushed. "Can you do it again?" Alberto laughed and planted kisses all over Luca's blushing face, then went back to cuddling. A long, comfortable silence followed, and Luca fell back asleep.

Giulia opened the door to their room. "Buongiorno, guys!" she sang softly. Alberto gave her a stern shake of the head, and looked down at Luca, still sleeping. She nodded understandingly and gently closed the door as she left. Alberto then stroked Luca's head gently to wake him up. "Rise and shine, stellina," he whispered. "It's time for breakfast." "Stellina?" Luca repeated, his face beet red.
Luca giggled. "I like it."
"I know."
"Let's go get breakfast." And with that, they got up and went to the main room.

~Quick info: stellina is an Italian name of endearment, meaning star.~

"Buongiorno," Luca and Alberto said, sitting down at the table together. Machiavelli lept up onto Alberto's lap and laid down, purring. This was the first time Giulia saw Machiavelli be so affectionate. "Wait! Does he do that a lot?" she asked, surprised. Alberto tilted his head. "Yeah...?"
"WHAT! Lucky! He never does that with me!"
Alberto decided to poke fun at her. "Maybe it's because you're annoying." Giulia stuck her tongue out at him and laughed. "Breakfast is ready, kids," Massimo announced, placing the food on the table. Pancakes. Alberto put 4 pancakes on his plate, leaving enough for everyone else to have 2.

~So I switched from using my computer to my phone mid-paragraph, which is why some things might look different. Oopsie 😬~

"I'm too full to eat the rest," Alberto said, eyeing the few cut up pieces of pancake on his plate. "Luca, do you want it?" "Sure," Luca answered. Alberto stabbed all the pieces with his fork and held it toward Luca, gesturing for him to take the fork. Instead, he ate off the fork, which was still in his hand. "Grazie for the meal, Signor Marcovaldo," Luca said before heading off to the treehouse.

After helping clean up the kitchen, Giulia pulled Alberto aside. "Okay, what was that." "What was what?" Alberto asked. "He just ate off of your fork!" Giulia explained. "And it was still in your hand!
"So are you together?"
Alberto thought about that for a second. "Well, we didn't officially tell each other how we feel, but it's kind of obvious to both of us. So, I would say probably."

Giulia squealed in delight. "Yay! I'm glad!" She then realized something. "Wait, does anyone else besides me know anything about this?"
"I don't think so."
"I'm not gonna rush you, do it in your own time."
"Thanks, Giules." (Pronounced like Jules, but there's no J in the Italian alphabet.)

Alberto then went to the treehouse, and Luca was there, doodling in a notebook. "Hey Luca," Alberto said, getting Luca's attention. "Oh, hi, Beto!" He smiled his smile.
"I was just drawing a few things."
"Can I see?"

"You're so talented, stellina."
Luca giggled. "Grazie."
Alberto then sat next to him. "I have something I wanted to talk to you about."
"So, with our current relationship, the way we've been acting towards each other is strange."
Luca's heart dropped. "Oh."
"So maybe we should change the relationship."

"Luca, what I'm trying to say is..." he planted a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I think we should make it official. Will you be my boyfriend?" Luca gasped, covering his mouth. He nodded. "Yes, oh my god yes!!!" He shouted, hugging Alberto. The taller boy happily wrapped his arms around his new boyfriend.

~Haha not me crying over my own fanfic no sir 💃~

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