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Some time later, Meredith stirred in Derek's arms, somewhat disoriented for a moment, awaking in the new suite. Then she remembered, and smiled sleepily, cocooned in his embrace, his lean body tight against hers. His grip tightened as she shifted, and then she felt his lips at her shoulder. "You're awake?" she whispered.

"Yes, love," he murmured softly, as his hand brushed her nipples lazily.

Meredith sighed happily. "I forgot where I was for a moment," she confessed, with a small laugh.

"You are right where you belong, here in my arms," he told her, "and I am never letting you go." His hand traveled down her body, across her belly, where it settled, rubbing her softly. "Do you think we have started our child yet, Meredith?"

Her heart jumped a little at the thought. "It is too soon to tell, Derek. Do you wish for a child so soon?"

"It doesn't matter over much - I love children, of course, but I admit to a selfish desire to have you all to myself for awhile too." His hand dipped lower, seeking her warmth, playing along her skin. For a few moments, they were quiet, reveling in the intimacy they shared, feeling content and happy.

"Derek?" Meredith asked at last, "You never did say what happened with Addison tonight...."

Derek made a sound of disgust. "Do you really wish to know?"

"Yes, Derek. I do not want any secrets between us. Did she...."

Derek sighed heavily, and shifted, sitting up on his elbow, to look at Meredith in the dim light. The fire was glowing embers only, but the moonlight streamed through the window, casting it's silver glow everywhere. He traced the curve of her cheek softly. "Lady Addison tried to bribe one of the younger footmen, giving him one of her jeweled hair combs, for the directions to my suite."

Meredith gasped in surprise.

"Yes, but fortunately for me, the lad went straight to Hodges and confessed. So when I left dinner, we went to my suite, and discovered her in my bed, nearly nude, hoping to surprise me."

"Oh, my sweet lord, what did she hope to gain?"

"In her mind, she thinks all she has to do is flaunt her body, and all men will fall into bed with her. Many will, I suppose, but I am no longer one of those men." He looked at Meredith, "You have nothing to fear. I only wish to be with you."

"And I with you," she replied, catching his hand that had strayed to her chest, pressing her lips to his palm. "Where is she now?"

"In her room, with the door guarded. I made it clear to her that she must leave in the morning. I cannot believe she was so blindly foolish, as to disregard anything that Mother said to her, and think she could trick me into bed." He paused, reflecting for a moment. "No, I can believe it. I should have seen it coming to that."

"Well, she will be gone tomorrow, and out of our lives. I do feel a little sorry for her, she seems so desperately unhappy, and angry," Meredith mused. "I am surprised she didn't try to pretend she was with child, to trap you into marriage."

"That would be very difficult. In truth, we had not been together for some time even before I caught her with Marcus. Maybe I partially suspected there were other men in her life. So if there was a babe, it would not be mine." He lowered his head then, and kissed her smooth belly, his breath tickling her. "If there is to be any babes, it will only be with you. Now, enough talk of the witch, I have other things that interest me at the moment." His lips moved sensuously across her quivering belly, dipping along her navel, and lower, sending spasms of ecstasy through her body. Her hips lifted slightly, as he continued the delicious exploration of her warm skin, down her thighs, and behind her knees, and back again. Returning to the spot where she was wet and aching, and he breathed very lightly on her pussy lips. He paused deliberately, intent on taking his time with her.

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