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At the end of the day, Derek found himself at the club again, nursing a snifter of brandy. He had managed to wrap up all of his remaining business, and as well as purchase several gifts for Meredith, including her rings. He smiled indulgently, pleased with his selections. And happy to have finished everything earlier than expected. If all went well, he should be able to leave in a day.

His thoughts strayed to the vision he'd had of Meredith earlier that day, and he wondered if she was indeed, already, with child. It haunted him, making him even more eager to return home.

"Derek," Marcus's voice broke into his reverie. He looked up and waved him into the chair across from him. "Good to see you again. Have you made any decision about Addison?"

Derek frowned. "No. Only that I should perhaps speak with her father, the Earl of Smithwick. Maybe he can find someone wealthier than I for his daughter."

"I hear the Duke of Trent is available again. His fourth wife just died in childbirth," Marcus commented helpfully.

Derek snorted. "The man is nearly seventy years old, Marcus. Hardly worthwhile in Addison's sexual opinion."

"Ah, yes, but he is richer by far than anyone else, some say. The King recently bestowed another title on him, and even more lands. Money trumps sex sometimes."

"Touché." Derek said, raising his glass. "Or there's the Marquis of Rosewood, no, wait - he prefers boys, that won't do."

"Even better - she can take lovers to her heart's content then, and he won't care. He probably would join them," Marcus laughed suggestively.

They had more drinks, falling back into their camaraderie of old, as they tossed names back and forth. Finally Derek looked up and spotted a familiar face across the room. "Marcus - this is my lucky night. There is the Earl now," he said. He got up, as the older gentleman crossed the room to greet him.

"Your Grace," the Earl said, with a bow. "This is indeed an honor to see you tonight. I had heard you were back in the city. The women at court miss your handsome presence, my lord."

"I prefer the company in the country these days," Derek said dryly, as they sat down.

"I believe my daughter misses you as well, from what she tells me," the Earl commented.

"Your daughter, yes - I wish to speak with you about her, sir," Derek said, jumping at the opportunity to talk about it so quickly.


Derek spoke to him openly about why he no longer was marrying Addison, and how she had been behaving since then, including his own mother's attempt at speaking with Addison. The Earl shook his head slowly. "I know - she always has been too spoiled and tempestuous. Her mother died when she was young, and I admit, I was at a loss how to deal with her. She is willful." He sighed heavily, taking another drink. "I apologize for her appalling behavior, my lord. Let me take care of this. I will arrange another marriage for her as quickly as possible. She has had her own way far too long."

"Thank you, I do appreciate this," Derek said, relieved. He signaled for more drinks, and they sat for awhile longer. Finally, the Earl rose, somewhat unsteadily, and bowed.

"I must be off - it is getting late for an old man like myself. I wish you all the best in your marriage, Your Grace. Please give my best to your mother as well - she is an admirable woman."

As soon as he was out of earshot, Marcus spoke up. "Do you think that will work, or will she find a way out of that as well? Believe me, I am staying away from her from now on myself. I can hear the screaming already, and I do not wish to be the one she screams at."

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