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"You know I'm feeling better," Derek grumbled, as Meredith fluffed the pillows behind his back, one week after the incident. "You don't have to treat me like a complete invalid." He was healing, the wound only giving him slight twinges of pain, but it wasn't quick enough to suit him - he wanted to get out of bed, get back to his own house, and more than anything, make love to his wife.

Meredith kissed his cheek, hiding her smile. "Just a few more days, Derek...then the doctor is coming to check on you again. If he says you are well enough then, we can go home and you can sleep in your own bed."

"It's not sleeping that I'm concerned about," he commented, as she handed over a glass of water for him. "I've done enough sleeping this week."

Meredith leaned over him check the bandage, making sure it was still fastened securely. The feel of her fingertips across his skin as she retucked the bandage ends, sent a throb along his pulse that had nothing to do with pain. A stray tendril of her hair tickled his chest silkily, and her lavender scent seemed to go straight to his groin. He lay back with a frustrated little sigh, as she took the glass from him and set it on the table beside the bed.

She settled onto the bed beside him, and he brushed her cheek with his hand,

running his thumb across her bottom lip. Meredith leaned into his touch, relieved that he was feeling better. "Well, perhaps if you want, we can take Michael and sit outside on the veranda and enjoy the fresh air," she said.

"Meredith, my dear, that isn't what I meant, and you know it," he said, drawing her closer with gentle pressure.

"No...?" she smiled at him, her eyes warm and loving. She laid her hand on his chest, giving in to the pull of his touch. "What else could you be talking about?" Her mouth was almost touching his then, and longing and heat started to spread through Derek in treacherous waves. He absorbed her nearness and scent hungrily - her very essence was all he needed to feel better.

"You...I want you..." he replied, as her mouth slanted across his, as warm as honey and soft as silk. Her tongue darted between his lips, and he groaned in suppressed need. His hands found their way to her hair, as he kissed her back with ravenous urgency, meeting her tongue in a dance of erotic passion. The kiss seemed to go on forever, as they sought to affirm their love and the fact they were alive and together.

They finally parted, Meredith's mouth soft and inviting, her lips trembling, their breathing ragged. "Derek...we can't do this now..." she murmured, resting her head against his chest. His heart beat strongly beneath her cheek, as he stroked her hair. "It's too soon...I can't have you getting worse again. It was difficult enough seeing you bleeding once."

"Oh, my love, you have been so brave, haven't you?" Derek asked softly. "I know how difficult this has been."

"Derek, you have no idea...seeing you bleeding on the floor like that, so much blood...I was so frightened..."

"Shhh.... " he soothed her, feeling the warm splash of her tears against his skin. "I remember laying there, wanting to tell you not to worry, fighting not to black out. I was afraid as well - of falling asleep and not waking again, of leaving you and Michael alone. I had no idea that Addison was capable of such evil, or I wouldn't have let you wander away from me alone."

"She was shocked to hear about my father, certainly. But she was already trying to convince me to leave you, something snapped in her mind..."

"Has anyone discovered where the pistol came from? Certainly she didn't come prepared to shoot you..."

"Your mother discovered that one of your father's pistols was missing from the collection. Somehow Addison stumbled across them, and decided to do away with me...leaving you free to be with her, I suppose..." Meredith sighed. "That she found me alone was just a fortunate happenstance, I suppose. Lord only knows what she would have done otherwise - she may have starting firing in the ballroom..."

Derek sighed as well. "Well, let's hope that she will be out of our lives permanently now. She's caused enough misfortune."

"Yes, I just want to put the whole thing out of my mind forever..." Meredith sat up and wiped away the tears that had leaked out. "Now, are you sure you won't come outside for awhile? It's a beautiful day, and the warm sun would do you good."

"Are you going to help me dress?" he asked, with a devilish grin. "Though I would prefer to undress you..."

"Derek Shepherd, you truly are incorrigible...is that all you have been thinking about?" she laughed. He caught her hands and tugged her closer again, relieved to see her smiling, even if her eyes did look damp, and the dark smudges beneath them too pronounced.

"What else could I be thinking about? Laying here in this blasted bed, thinking of you, of your sweet lips, and your body wrapped around me, visions of our last tryst together in the library..." Derek said softly. "Knowing you were looking after me, always there when I opened my eyes, Meredith...I need you so...." He paused, rubbing her palm with his fingers. "You can't refuse such a plea, can you? My darling wife..." he murmured, claiming her lips again. "...it would speed my recovery, I'm sure..."

"Derek..." Meredith protested weakly, "your wound..."

"Be gentle with me," he urged her, his fingers sliding up her arms, and to the buttons at the back of her gown. Meredith found herself surrendering, and rose to her feet slowly, letting her gown and the rest of her clothing drop to the floor. She pulled the pins from her hair, letting it cascade down her back, a few curls falling over her chest. The light coming in the window illuminated her in a soft glow, and Derek caught his breath at the sight of her. His eager gaze swept from her head to her feet, drinking in the sight of her round, lovely breasts, her tiny waist, and the curve of her hips. "You look more beautiful than ever," he said, his voice low, filled with aching need.

Meredith slipped into bed with him, the soft feel of her along his body, and the brush of her already damp pussy against his leg, as she moved over him was almost too much. She ducked beneath the covers, and began to press kisses along the line of his body, careful to avoid the bandages. Derek tried to lay still, as her mouth found it's way lower, across his hip, groaning in a combination of desire and pain as his body twitched in response. The stinging pain was erased quickly as she used her tongue along his cock, delicately circling the tip.

Her warm hands played along the length of him, as her tongue continued its gentle glide over and around, taking him further into her mouth. Derek's hands clutched at the bedding, his hips arching slightly as the sensual pleasure of it raced through his body. There was only Meredith, and her soft, warm mouth, surrounding him, taking away the darkness of the last few days.

Then she let him go, exquisitely slowly, kissing her way back along his body, returning to his lips. "Is that gentle enough, my lord?" she whispered, rubbing her breasts along his chest, kissing him lightly, as she moved over him. Carefully, mindful of his bandages, she guided his aching cock between her legs, against her wetness. He couldn't speak, focused on her slow movements, as she slid down over him, writhing and moaning as he moved into her. Her body lifted, and settled again, taking him deeper, gripping him tightly.

"Yes, oh yes..." he muttered, as she leaned forward, so that his cock slid against her clit with every stroke. Her face flushed, as they moved together, little cries of happiness escaping her. "Come here...kiss me, vixen..." he growled, holding the back of her head as he slowly ravished her mouth with his tongue.

Shuddering, sobbing, she started to climax, her hips moving faster, taking him with her. His hands moved to cup her ass, pulling her along with him, caught up in the perfect way she fit over him. He tried to keep from thrusting too hard, too deep, but he finally surged into her, a sting of pain along his side as he climaxed, mingling with his deep satisfaction.

Derek fell back, exhausted from the effort, content to hold her tightly, raining kisses over her face. Meredith slid away from him gently, pulling the sheets back over them. "Are you all right?" she asked, seeing the sheen of sweat on his forehead. "Derek...I shouldn't have...was it too much...?" she whispered.

"No, I think I'll live," he murmured, feeling her relax again at his words. "Or I will die happy..." He turned to her, giving her his usual sensual smile, and she giggled in relief. Burying his face against her throat, he embraced her fiercely, as if intent on branding her with his body. "I love you more and more every day...thank god we still have each other..."

"Yes, thank god..." Meredith echoed, tightening her arms around him as well. "Nothing else matters..."

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