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For a moment, they didn't move, panting, senses reeling. "My sweet girl, you make me lose track of everything but you," Derek chuckled, smoothing her hair away from her face. "I don't think this is what Mother had in mind when she told me to take you for a walk."

Meredith giggled softly beneath him. "I am quite sure you are right."

He captured her lips again, kissing her softly. "I love you, Meredith. With all my heart."

She looked up at him, marveling at this man, who wanted her, who would have given up everything to be with her. How did she get so fortunate to have found someone like him? "I love you, Derek."

With a soft groan, he pulled away from her. "We need to go back in, my dear. Much as I could stay and ravish you here for the rest of the day, it is not the best place to linger like this."

He helped her to her feet, and they did their best to straighten clothing, and hair. Meredith searched for the pins that had fallen out of her hair, but she didn't try to put it back up. It fell loose and soft along her back, lifting n the slight breeze that fanned her hot skin. Derek left his shirt half open, his cravat trailing from his hand, as they started to walk back towards the manor hand in hand. He glanced down at her, seeing her flushed and warm, his scent clinging to her, her lips swollen and bruised from his hard kisses.

"You should always look so adorably and thoroughly loved," he commented softly, as they headed through the courtyard. "It becomes you."

They stopped briefly at a large oak tree. He tucked an errant piece of hair behind her ear, before leaning in to kiss her again. "You are not the only one who needs kisses, my love," he said hoarsely. "I cannot go long without it myself." He trailed small soft kisses along her jaw, inhaling the heat and the lavender scent emanating from her flesh, as his hand settled at her hip. Despite just having made love to her, he was hard again, tangling the fingers of his other hand in her hair, caught in a web of hot need. His mouth returned to hers, his tongue thrusting and demanding, as she clung to him, yearning for more.

"Ah, my love, this is madness," he breathed raggedly, grinning at her with a devilish look.

Meredith stroked his cheek softly, caught in the heat of his expression. "Truly, this is not the right place..."

In the heat of their passion, they had not noticed the clatter of hoofbeats and the rattle of the coach pulling up the curving drive. They looked up, just in time to see the ornate coach lurch to a stop. Exchanging a guilty glance, they watched as the groom leapt from the coach and opened the door. He held his hand out, and an elegantly shod foot emerged, followed by a swoosh of deep green velvet.

"Thank GOD," a voice belonging to the coach occupant exclaimed. "By the love of Christ, could that ride have been any more uncomfortable?"

Meredith stared in disbelief at the woman standing on the crushed stone drive. Rich red hair was piled on her head, and her skin was white as alabaster. Her rich traveling ensemble of green velvet hugged her body, the low bodice dipping almost to her nipples. The heavy gold and emerald necklace twinkled in the sunlight, and the matching earbobs swung gently as she turned her head.

"The Lady Addison?" she whispered.

Derek nodded. "I am afraid so," he replied, his body tensing uncomfortably.

Then Addison turned her head and caught sight of them, and her lips tightened. Her breath sucked in, and she narrowed her eyes. Gathering her skirts in her hand, she advanced towards them. Damnation, but Derek had that just fucked, oh so masculine satisfied air about him, his shirt undone, and that muscled chest of his exposed. And that... that... girl... with her hair all loose and her look so wantonly tumbled, pressed tightly against him. Anger rose like a hot poker in Addison, and she stopped in front of them.

"So, is the little bitch who is fucking you, Derek?" Addison managed to put the ice in her voice as she spoke. "Very provincial, isn't she?" Her emerald eyes were leveled at Meredith, shooting daggers at her.

Meredith gasped in shock. She hadn't been sure what to expect of this encounter, but the rudeness of the woman took her by surprise. Derek took her hand, squeezing her fingers in reassurance. "Addison, I cannot believe you had the audacity to show your face here," he said softly. "Now, apologize to Meredith. That was inexcusably rude. Especially since Meredith is the woman I love, and my betrothed." His silky voice was calm.

Addison's mouth twisted, and her eyes narrowed as she glared at both of them. "She is what?"

"You heard me."

"Oh no, you cannot do that. I am your.."

"You reneged on that when you took Marcus into your bed, Addison. You should have thought of that sooner," Derek told her, his voice steely with disdain. "Or at least, thought of somewhere else to fuck him."

"Derek, please listen..." Addison let her voice soften. This was not how she intended this visit to start.

"No, I do not have to listen. My mother invited you here, under the impression that she was helping you, due to the lies that you told her." He let Meredith go briefly, and stalked closer to Addison. "Let me make it very clear, Addison. I do not want you here, and I do not want anything to do with you. If you wish to stay for the night and let your horses and driver rest, I will tolerate that. But you should leave tomorrow."

"Now, Derek, your mother was very nice to me when you left me, I think she wants to see me." She tried to take his hand, but he moved back quickly, laughing and crossing his arms across his chest.

"Oh, you are quite correct about that. She wants to see you."

Addison looked at him in confusion. "You say that like it is a bad thing."

"I will leave it up to you to decide after Her Grace speaks with you." Derek turned to Meredith, holding out his hand. "Now, excuse us, but we have to go and get ready for dinner." Meredith slipped her fingers into his, stepping up beside him again.

"I'm sorry, we have not been properly introduced," she said quietly. "I am Meredith Grey."

Addison waved her fingers dismissively. "Fine, Miss Grey. Do not think Derek is going to marry you. You are only fooling yourself."

Meredith gripped Derek's hand tighter. "I think you are wrong, my lady. It is you who is fooling herself."

With that, they turned and headed towards the manor, leaving Addison standing alone. The butler and footmen descended from the stairway, meeting Derek and Meredith. "Show her inside to the room Lady Kate has prepared," Derek instructed. "But she will not be staying long."

"Very good, m'lord."

Addison fumed silently, waiting for someone to lead her inside. As she watched Derek escort Meredith inside, his arm now around her waist, Addison clenched her teeth in frustration. Hell's bells, he seemed to be wrapped up completely in that twit. What in the name of god could he see in the girl? Cursing at the footman who stumbled to pick up her baggage, she vowed this was not over yet.

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