Thought of a new AU again. Name? Uhh

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I really need to stop coming up with AU's

Okay, so like, Ropo and Jack aren't a part of the MineVengers anymore so my brain decided:
Hey, what if I make an entire AU where Ropo and Jack needed to become heroes again for whatever reason but hid their identity?

Why they hid their identity?

The public would be a reason.

Having their identity known as superheroes again would make Cap and Stark possibly find them and they don't want that.

Either way, they work together with the MineVengers again because new creatures have been popping up and only Ropo and Jack seem to know how to destroy them.

Ropo and Jack try to hide their identity from them still.

They go by code names like Red and J or something.

They get found out in the end.
I can't stop thinking about this.

Already came up with possible designs too-

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