Ropo and Angel's parents and stuff

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Ropo & Angel's parents are apparently Superman and Lois Lane, but they abandoned them for whatever reason.

Ropo was abandoned first obviously, being placed on Commisioner Power and Janet Power's doorstep. Since he was a few months old(?), they were able to go through the proccess of adopting him. It works because Superman and Lois don't want him and he doesn't have any other family member (not including that weird uncle series because I don't think that counts??)

I'm also assuming Ropo got his last name from them

[Also, the whole "Where is Ropo's parents" plot was pretty unnessary because even if Ropo didn't remember his parents, his parents would still been found and called. But then again they literally had to go to a military base to find his file so eh]

Then Angel was born AND WAS ALSO ABANDONED. I have no idea why they would have another child when the first one didn't work out but they placed her at April May's and John May's house. Which I think she also got her last name from them? So Angel May.

Someone then drop her off at Stark's house which Cap and Stark later find her. The note says that "I can not look after her, so I thought, because you guys are the best superheroes around you could take care of her" The note also refers to Angel as her baby, you would think it would be from April right? So this confused me a little because:

It was later revealed that Angel's adoptive parents are dead. They both apparently died tragically. BUT, they died in 2013 when "Finding a super baby" was in 2016, and from what I've seen they usually follow the original date of the day so,

April May,  1975 - 2013. John May, 1974 - 2013. (They were both 38, Angel would be 3 by 2016)

"They both died from a car accident, just after Baby Angel was born. And then sadly, both Baby Angel's parents died but Angel survived"

This also confuses me because they are saying it as if April and John ARE her parents. But this is probably just bad wording and bad lore they hadn't fully figured out.

"Just after Baby Angel was born". If we were going by that than Angel was a literal newborn. She was placed in Ms. Kelly's orphanage I think? I skimmed the video but I think she was.

So, more likely, 

Superman and Lois abandones her -> April and John adopt her -> They die and Angel goes in the orphanage -> orphanage kicks her out and drops her at Stark's pretending to be the mother.

I'm assuming Cap and Stark never adopts her either and are only her guardians since in the video "Baby Angel is Ropo's sister" they are labled carer instead of adopter.

Now that Ropo finds out that Angel is his sister, guardianship also goes to him. I'm unsure if they still have their guardianship over her or not though.



Superman, Lois -> The Powers


Superman, Lois -> The Mays -> Orphanage -> Cap and Stark -> Ropo

I don't know if Ropo's parents adopted her but they maybe got guardianship over her as well since they took her and went to a different city, also about that,

[Angel loses her powers]

Ropo's parents and Angel then leaves due to the city being "too dangerous" or something. So, now Ropo's technically an orphan. But he's an adult now so it doesn't really matter.

Okay, I think that's everything?? Thanks for reading my ramble lmao

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