I write down Ropo's lore and said "Good enough"

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This isn't the exact timeline. Just random things I remember and tossed it down.

- Every hero must have a traumatic backstory right? Ah yes, let's start off at high school. It's field trip day and the fool fell into a tub of chemicals, forgot his memories, his powers came out and can't speak.

- Stark makes machine that makes Ropo be able to talk again. He asked to sound like Cap, that's what he gets. Now they are alike and cc!Ropo finally starts his transition into a new character lmao.

- He gets a car and helicopter from Stark. Wow.

- Also, he goes on this treasure hunt with Max M. and Angel. He gets rich.

- B.Max and Angel gets lost in Ikea. fools

- Ropo finds his "real parents" and finds out he's adopted. Sad.


- And Superhero School. Yes, he learns how to control his powers there.

- The episode is gone now so I don't remember much but a construction site was unstable or something and Ropo decides to help, (ignoring what Stark said) and climbs a crane. Found a guy, got the guy on his back and crane started to fall. At least he found out he was able to fly. :)

- He got the power to turn to stone at some point wtf

- A lot of his stuff was like in the same year or something, was he like... Juggling being Power Ranger, ninjago thing that probably wasn't even in the same year and his original hero stuff?? Not to mention it seems he MIGHT have worked as a police officer and MIGHT have worked as a detective as well?? Damn this fool.

- Jack died. Then dragged Ropo with him.

- Not to mention that Ropo literally became best friend with his enemy back when he was dating Coco and that drama.

- Oh yeah and the Jack and Stark ARC.

- Ropo didn't approve of the suit at first lmao

- Jack went to a psychiatrist or something.

- Angel and Ropo old. Hmm...

- Oh yeah, apparently Angel got an entire hidden base with this women protecting her along with the police force and Ropo had no idea.

- HARAMBE!! Harambe my beloved. He was always so sassy :)

- College Life and Jack reveals Ropo's "Credit card"

- Idk man, apparently Carly had an episode where she found Cupid, fixed her bow and Cupid made Ropo and Carly fall in love :/

- I don't even want to talk about Ropo's Infinity War and Endgame.

- But, Bruno is babey. No one can tell me otherwise

- Didn't Evil Ropo had entire different dimension or something

- And there was like 4 of 'em??

- Ropo threw a party and Stark's beach house on accident. Ropo really needed new friends

- Also, Evil Kelly destroyed Stark's lab soo

- Ropo and Jack got abused as dogs. Really said "More Trauma :DD" I guess.

- Imagined if Ropo actually left with the Helicopter wayy back in the beginning of Love Island? Not to mention Love Island would be shorter. If Milly wasn't there than bye bye Ropo I guess-

- Playing Roblox/Fortnite/Minecraft within Minecraft. Wowie.

- Oh also, Ropo and Stark broke into the goverment base and found out Ropo and Angel are brothers and sisters.

- And his parents were superman and louise lane, but we in the fandom ignore that

- hmmm.

- But then if it was true, would Ropo be weak to kryptonite? Maybe not as bad as superman but still.

- Smh, the little club is just crossovers within crossovers.

- Jack accidently started a fire because he failed at cooking and Ropo put it out.

Jack: *Almost burning down Ropo's kitchen* Oh look! It's bacon's cooked! :D

Ropo: It's black and was literally on fire


Very out of context lmao

Ropo: We have a whole shelf full of burgers and stuff

Jack: Look at the!- What did you make me cook dinner for?!

Ropo: I didn't make you! You said you wanted to cook a romantic dinner for me! Which I thought was really weird


- Ropo, Jack and B.Angel became their genderbend at one point

- For some reason, sometimes garage is filled with only red vehicles which looks very weird to me

- The minecraft toys series got way too weird after like 10 episodes :/

- Let's n o t talk about the .EXE series

- I didn't like the .EXE series too much anyways-

- But those babysitter episodes are always entertaining despite the fact their nearly the same thing

- Ropo got kidnapped by slenderman while waiting for his date. Good job Ropo.

- Ropo has or did have at least 7 powers while B.Angel only had 4 which I thought was interesting.

- Apparently the sun burned Ropo's eyes

- Oh and Ropo's laser eyes takes the most energy it seems. 

- Jack books of numbers oddly had a small part in their lore. So... Nice

- Ropo has only remembered like 5 things before his incident.

- Okay, in "The Life Of" series you know how they actually get transferred into somebody else's body? What happend to the other person? Because it seems like they weren't transferred to Ropo and Jack's bodies soo?

 - Ropo and Jack's genderbend is Rosie and Joy... Good to know :)

- I mean, it's not really genderbend but it's close enough??

- Jack uses fake tan. 

Okay i'm done for now :)

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