Did Cap and Stark actually teach Ropo and Jack canonically anything other than how to control their powers and iron suits?

Because honestly, despite the fact they are supposed to be their mentors, they haven't taught Ropo and Jack that much.

I mean, I assume that Cap at least taught Ropo how to do missions and how to use any type of weapons or something, maybe helped Ropo how to fly things but other than that he didn't do much. If anything Ropo taught himself how to do everything since he doesn't seem to go to superhero school anymore after moving out.

As well as Jack like-

Stark clearly didn't teach Jack how to build his OWN suit, maybe Jack knows how to repair it but I don't think he actually knows how to rebuild his own suit? Stark was hella lazy with teaching Jack anything as well. Jack probably learned more from Ropo than Stark so like-

I haven't seen much of Cap and Stark videos mainly because I've only wanted to watch Ropo and Jack but still.

Anyways, that's my opinion so yeah-

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