future yooo

6 0 0

My airway closes a little bit and it feels like poison runs through my veins. I fall down to the floor, sweating a lot, my limbs move uncontrollably.

I get Cameron and Jack's attention. They start screaming asking what's wrong. Tears run down their faces, yelling for me to be okay. Their little Alexandra, Cameron's. I don't want to be Jack's. He's a traitor.

Minutes slow down, and everything feels like it's in slow motion. These are the moments that matter, right before death. When you realise what truly is. But I already know it. Tony comes in, "What's wrong?!" He screams.

I hoarsely whisper, "It's hard to breathe."

A deep, gruff voice comes from the depths of my brain.

It whispers, "But that's alright," I feel like I should want to scream but I don't.

"Stand up," the voice commands, and it does so.

"Are these your friends?" It asks.

"More or less," Weakly I reply.

White matter oozes from my hands bonding to the window, and it pulls me with extreme force.

"What the hell!" Everyone screams. While I feel trapped inside my mind. The white matter bursts through the window, and clings to the tower. Then, it goes invisible.

"What is this?" I say inside my mind.

It laughs darkly, "Alexandra Adamos, you'll find out soon enough." After swinging it, or I, jump down to the ground, dropping me softly.

"Go in the store," The voice commands.

I do so. A kind, small elderly elderly lady greets me in Russian, and somehow, I greet her back. What the actual hell?

We go to the back of the store and something else takes control of my body.

We or it, goes to the meat section. And pulls out a New York stake. I take it out, and rip off the packaging.

"What the hell!" I say.

I eat it automatically wanting to puke. God it's hot in here. The doorbell chimes, and a man walks in with a gun. I automatically get the urge to eat him, ew.

I dive behind a wall. And something comes out that's attached of my shoulder. It's a white head, with many teeth, and light blue eyes. Much resembling Spider Mans.

"Food!" It says in delight.

It goes back in my...body.

The lady hides behind the counter shrieking.

"What are you doing?" The man asks in a thick Russian accent. White stuff starts to cover my body, and now the 6 foot man cowers below me. The voice says, "Eyes, lips, heart. So much. My favorite would probably be the liver."

Then, it stuffs the robber...in our mouth.

"What the hell was that?" I ask.

It answers, "Would you rather me eat you Alexandra. You're liver was looking delicious there for a second."

We burst out of the door, and swing to the harbor and drop down softly.

"Now for the annoying questions, human." It says.

The head comes out, and freakishly, I'm not that scared of it.

"What are you?" I ask out of breath.

"We are Chaos."

"How did you know my name?" I ask.

"I know everything about you Alexandra. You called to me, little human."

"No I didn't."

"Did we just eat that guy?" I ask still very freaked out.

"Yes, any other questions?" it asks casually.

"What are you?" I ask.

"I am the embodiment of Chaos. An outlaw on my planet," He says.

"So- why did you bond with me." I ask.

"I cannot live without a host, Alexandra. It has to be a proper one. I have the power to see people for who they are, just as the rest of my kind can on your earth. Unlike the rest of my race, I happen to like human culture except for the annoying miscreants. However-"

"However, what?" I ask. I have a feeling this is the only time I'll get Chaos to talk.

"That is for another time, human." Chaos says.

"Now, we will get you somewhere to sleep"

"How motherly," I say.

Chaos growls

"Ok, ok. But I'm not going back to Stark Tower."

"We'll um- break into a hotel room from the balcony."

We go back to whatever silme-like form I'm in. We turn in the direction of a Hampton In. He... or we jump in the air, taking off. His slime-stuff latches onto buildings like Tarzan swinging in the jungle.

I can breathe again.

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