Four: Bear

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Screaming, lots and lots of screaming. You cover your ears to block out the screams, but they just get louder and louder. Until finally you peek your eyes open and see a stranger on top of your mother, who's screaming at him to get off. You peek through the crack in the door as a tall man and a small boy, stare down at your mom.

"You see son, you go for the human's throat like this, now some people don't like leaving behind corpses. It's not good to leave behind evidence, but it'll be up to you. So if you're hungry and don't want to leave a trail just do this."

The man leans down and leans down into your mother's ear. You couldn't understand what he was doing, but your mom just went still and didn't scream anymore. Suddenly the man sits up fast and sniffs the air. You can feel your heart stop as he turns to the boy.

"There's another one here, this is a test. Find them, use your senses to find them." The boy nods and stands up and looks up. Your heart races and suddenly the boy turns to you, his eyes landing on the closet door. What's terrifying is how his eyes are glowing, they're glowing white. The moment they landed on your hiding space is when you felt your body freeze in fear.

Who are they?

What are they?

Your eyes shoot open, gasping for air. That was strange, you hadn't had that particular dream in years. Why is it resurfacing now? You turn onto your side, expecting to see your brother hugging his bear tightly.

But he's not there.

Alarmed, you sit up straight and immediately start turning the room upside down looking for Nathan. "Nate?!" you said, looking under the bear. You open the closet to see if he's hiding in there and he's not. The bathroom? No. They must've took him while you were sleeping!

You bang on the door and attempting to yank it open. "Nathan! Nathan are you out there?!" you scream. You didn't hear any sound and attempt to break the door down with more force. "Nathan! Nathan! Bring him back to me you bastards!" You screams are muffled outside the door, unheard of as your baby brother is sitting in some kind of big room with the seven men.

He's not going to lie, he's scared because of how some of them are staring at them. But one named, Jin, gave him another lollipop so he's content for now.

"So Nathan," a man in that big chair said. Like some of the villains he sees in movies sitting in the big red chair that spins. 'I wanna spin in that chair,' he thought.

"What does your big sister like to do?" he asked.

Nathan looks at them then slowly shrugs his shoulders. "Big sissy doesn't like to go outside, said she hates people." One of the men chuckles as Nate continues. "But she likes taking me to the park, going to the movies, and um rollercoastars!"

"It's pronounced rollercoaster," a man who looks like a cat said. Nathan hums as he sucks on the now cherry lollipop. "But she only does it when I ask her to, other than that she stays inside."

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