Chapter 1 (The Rising Sun)

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"I don't think I am ever going to get tired of your cooking Rem'' Subaru said graciously as he gathered the plates and put them on the cart. Rem smiled at the complement, she loved it whenever Subaru would compliment her cooking

It was another ordinary day at the mansion, not much happened. Subaru was slowly but surely getting better at his butler job, but he still had a long way to go. Subaru still made common slip ups

Subaru began to roll the dinner dishes to the kitchen to get cleaned up. Rem followed behind him

"Subaru, Rem can do the dishes tonight if you would like" Rem said as she started to unload the cart

"Sure if it's ok with you. Thank you," Subaru said graciously. Rem turned to smile at him as she packed piles of dishes to the sink.

"Rem will see you tomorrow Subaru, rest well" Rem said as she started to clean the dishes carefully making sure every bit of food was scrubbed off. Something Subaru needed to take note of. Most nights Subaru would just rush cleaning the dishes. This commonly earned him a scolding by Ram

"I will, goodnight Rem see you tomorrow" Subaru said as he walked out of the kitchen and down the gigantic hallways of the mansion

Subaru was thinking about going on another date with Emilia. But while he was thinking about Emilia his mind started to wander to Rem. Subaru had trouble deciding between who to choose in his life. On one side was Emilia who caught Subarus eye first, but then there was Rem who never left Subaru no matter the circumstance. Subaru had a hard time choosing, he loved them both equally almost

While lost in thought, Subaru suddenly bumped into Beatrice. Beatrice fell to the floor dropping the book in her hand

"Watch where you're going I suppose!" Beatrice said angrily as she got off the floor

"Oh sorry Bea-ko" Subaru said apologetically grabbing the book off the floor. Before he handed the book back to Beatrice, Subaru looked at the cover. The book looked almost ancient. Before Subaru could open it Beatrice snatched it from him

"Hey Bea-ko what is that book about?" Subaru asked curiously

"Nothing of your concern," Beatrice said as she started to walk off. Subaru sighed, he wanted to know what was in that book. It looked different from the other books in the forbidden library. Subaru eventually shrugged it off, and entered his room not thinking anything of it

Subaru changed out of his butler outfit, and put his tracksuit on. His tracksuit became his sleeping attire. He laid down in his bed exhausted from another day of "hard work"

Thoughts of who to choose in his life came over him again. Subaru couldn't shake these thoughts. They kept reappearing, and there was nothing Subaru could do.

"It has to be Emilia. I already said that I loved her, but Rem also said that she loved me" Subaru debated in his head. Subaru felt awful for rejecting Rem. She poured her guts out to him and he turned her away. Subaru even cried some nights thinking about how disappointed he made Rem

He couldn't believe his response to Rems confession was "I love Emilia '' he felt so selfish, but to say to Emilia that he loved her but go on to be with Rem didn't feel right either. This battle was killing him internally. Thoughts about rejecting both, and going the unthinkable option and set his sights on Ram also danced in his head, but Subaru knew him and Ram would never happen

Subaru didn't want to hurt any of their feelings, but he had to only choose one. Subaru was weirded out by having more than one wife, so he already decided against that approach. Subaru eventually drifted off to sleep still stuck on who to choose

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