Chapter 11 (I See Everything)

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Ram laid down in bed exhausted at another day of attending royal meetings, alongside her loyal knight Reinhard. This election process has been very exhausting, and boring. Though Ram had to admit being with Reinhard made the process kinda worth it. She didn't know why, but she just enjoyed being in Reinhard's presence. It gave her a feeling she only really felt around Rosswal

Ram loved the feeling of the soft fabric of the bed against her skin. Her body felt totally relaxed. She loved the bed Reinhard provided. It was by far the most comfortable thing she had ever laid on. Ram eventually found her eyelids getting heavy

She got up, and changed out of the dress she was wearing, slipping into her nightgown. Ram was not big of a fan of wearing that dress everywhere she went with Reinhard. It was very awkward to walk around in high heels. Ram tripped multiple times when she first started wearing high heels. She eventually grew accustomed to wearing them, so it didn't happen as often anymore

Reinhard would always help Ram back on her feet whenever she would fall. He always held his hand out with a smug smile on his face. Ram enjoyed looking at his handsome smile, she even found herself smiling back sometimes

Ram walked back to the bed, and threw the covers over herself. She laid her head back on the soft pillows. Sam closed her eyes, and eventually drifted off to sleep

The sound of a loud explosion filled Rams ears. Her eyes bolted open, as she sat up right on the bed. Swinging the covers off of her body. Ram stepped out of bed, and made her way out of her room to investigate the loud noise

She slowly creaked the wooden door open, and peaked her head out. Looking down the long, dark, dimly lit corridors. She noticed the door at the end of the hallway was opened slightly. Ram could see a bright light emitting from the doorway. Ram swung open her bedroom door, and walked down the hallway

The corridors were only lit by the moonlight that shined outside in the night sky. The notable absent sound of crickets, along with the small creeks in the floor made things a little bit unsettling

Ram felt like she had been walking for ages. She didn't remember the corridor being this long. Ram eventually made it to the door down the hallway. Her hand gripped the doorknob tightly. She slowly opened the door that lead to the foyer

She immediately noticed that the foyer's carpet was completely drenched in blood. Her body began shaking, She slowly looked up to find a dead body laying in the center of the room. The room itself was completely painted in blood, every inch of carpet or paint was covered in blood

Rams breathing grew heavy, she began hyperventilating. She stepped forward to get a good look at the body on the floor. The corpse was completely mangled, its intestines, and organs splattered all over the place. Ram put a hand over her mouth, she felt sick. Ram swallowed the vomit in her mouth, as she examined the corpse. The corpse was so mangled it was almost completely unrecognizable

The only thing that made it recognizable was the face that remained untouched, but was still drenched in blood. Ram stopped dead in tracks the second she saw the red hair on the head of the corpse. She knelt down and wiped the blood from its face to the point it was recognizable. It was her knight Reinhard

Ram covered her face with both of her hands the second she noticed Reinhard's distinct facial features. She smudged a little bit of Reinhard's blood on her face. Tears started streaming down Rams face, as her shaking increased

She stepped back from Reinhard's corpse. Ram was terrified

"What monster did this!?" Ram said to herself, her hands still covering her face. Reinhard was the strongest and toughest knight in the world. To see someone who held that title completely mangled to the point he was barely recognizable was completely terrifying

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