Chapter 13 (The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword)

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"Rem, are you ready for your first day of school tomorrow?" Subaru asked, as they walked down the streets back to the apartment.

They were returning home after a romantic date at a restaurant. Subaru wanted to do something special before they headed off to school, and thought a date would be a good finisher to his coatic summer.

"For as long as you are with me. Rem will always be ready to do anything" Rem responded as she looked down at the sidewalk. Subaru held Rem's hand as they continued walking.

Rem was a little nervous about entering into such a big crowd, but felt better knowing she was going alongside Subaru.

"I am just glad you were kind enough to come alongside me." Subaru said, smiling a bit.

"Please just stay by me, Subaru" Rem said in a slightly anxious tone. Subaru looked over at her face. He could read her nervous expression, and heard the anxiety in her voice. He wanted to do everything possible to make her comfortable.

"Rem, don't be afraid of losing me. We will sit together in class, so you could be right by me at all times.'' Subaru said in a reassuring tone.

Rem smiled slightly as her low spirits were lifted up again by Subarus encouraging words. Rem learned to trust and rely on Subaru just like she did with Ram. Subaru was her guide in this fascinating world.

Even with Subaru. Rem was still going to miss seeing her sister regularly. It's a thought Rem tried her best not to dwell on. She luckily always had Subaru there to distract her whenever that thought was coming present, but it still came back to torment her.

Rem felt tears build up at the corner of her eyes. She just missed Ram so much. She wished Ram could join them on this school adventure, but her royal candidacy got in the way of things.

Rem has never lived away from Ram ever in her life. It was still a challenge she had yet to overcome.

Subaru noticed Rem's head tilt down and caught a glimpse of a couple small tears rolling down her face.

He wanted to say something to comfort Rem, but did not have any words. He hated it when Rem got sad. It made him sad to see her sad. Subaru wanted Rem happy every second she was with him. Whenever she got sad Subaru felt like he failed at his main objective.

She sniffled loudly as she wiped tears from her face. Subaru knew he had to say something in order to comfort her. He just didn't want to make the situation worse by asking a question that makes her dwell further on what's troubling her.

"Hey, what's wrong, Rem?" Subaru said in a sympathetic voice. Rem looked at him. Subaru stared into her blue crystal eyes as a few more tears leaked out of her eye sockets.

"Subaru.... Rem misses Nee-Sama!" Rem cried out as she covered her face, and weeped into her hands.

"You will see her again. Remember all we got to do is phone Bea-ko, and we are back there in an instant" Subaru said. Rem removed her hands from her face to look at Subaru. She sniffled again as she wiped her face.

"What if someone tries to kill her? '' Rem said in a slightly more calm voice. Rem's greatest fear about Ram's candidacy was an assasination attempt. Political assassinations were not unheard of in Lugnica. They happened in the past and even succeeded sometimes. Though these were still very rare occurrences.

Subaru smiled as he knew exactly what to tell her. "Ram has Reinhard protecting her. Thee Reinhard Von... I forgot his last name..."

"Anyway, I am a hundred percent confident nothing is going to happen to her," Subaru said in a positive tone.

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