Chapter 2 (Far From Lugnica)

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Ram awoke early in the morning ready to start the work day as always. She did her normal morning routine, and exited her room and made her way to Rem's room. She arrived near her room, but did not see Rem waiting outside her room. She approached her door and knocked it lightly.

"Rem are you awake?" Ram asked. Her response was silence. Ram knocked again

"Rem?" she said again. Still no response, Ram gently opened the door. Revealing an empty bed. A confused look spread across her face. Her sister would usually always wait for Ram by her room

"Where is she, she's probably off making an early breakfast" Ram concluded as she exited Rem's room, and started to wander down to Subarus room. She was more aggressive when she knocked on Subarus door

'Barusu you better be up!" Ram said as she opened his door, her confusion grew further when she found an empty bed. Ram was now growing increasingly worried. Both Subaru and Rem were gone. Leaving no trace of where they went. Ram then walked hastily towards the kitchen hoping to find Rem in there. She threw open the kitchen door to find it empty

"Rem! Where are you!" Ram called out looking around the hallways. Ram found herself near Emilia's room, Ram was hoping she would know where they were. Ram went up and knocked on Emilia's door aggressively hoping to hear someone on the other side of the door.

"Coming" Emilia shouted. A small wave of relief came over Ram as she heard Emilia's voice. Emilia opened the door and saw a distressed Ram standing on the other side.

"Oh hi Ram, what do you need?" Emilia said. Still in her nightgown her hair all messed up.

"Hello Miss Emilia. Have you seen Rem, or Barusu? I can't seem to find either of them, and I don't know where they went." Ram said. Emilia gave Ram a confused and worried look

"Hmmmmm. I have not seen either of them. Have you checked the kitchen, maybe they're making breakfast, or maybe they decided to stop by the village. Subaru is very popular with the villagers, so maybe he went with Rem to stop by" Emilia said. Rams face dropped again

"I checked the kitchen already, and I didn't find them," Ram said, her voice breaking. Anger started to appear on her face. As the possibility of Subaru kidnapping Rem in her sleep. Came across her mind.

"Well, have you checked the village?" Emilia said also growing more worried

Ram then dashed to the entrance of the mansion leaving Emilia. She ran across the hallways. She thought of how she was going to kill Subaru when she finally found him. She ran out of the mansion and made her way to the gates.

She ran as fast as she could to the village to look for Subaru and Rem. She found the children Subaru would hang around whenever they would visit the village. The children were playing on the grass. When their attention all turned to Ram that was approaching them. They noticed the anger glaring in Ram's eyes as she walked up to them. The children got a little nervous and unsettled, they all saw Ram to be nothing more than a strict mean maid

Mainly because Subaru would tell his experiences about her to the children. About how Ram would yell at Subaru for doing the littlest of things wrong. Though most of these stories were greatly exaggerated from what really happened.

"Hi Ram Ram w-what bring y-you here" One of the children spoke up weakly.

"Have any of you seen Barusu!" Ram said in a slightly demanding tone. The children looked at each other confused

"A-Are you talking about Subaru" Petra asked

"Yes!" Ram yelled out startling the children at her sudden outburst

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