Chapter 4 (Bad Romance)

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Ram closed the book she was reading and yawned heavily. She laid the book down on the floor. Ram was trying to save as much energy as possible. So each step was like gold to her

"Alright Lady Beatrice, I think it's time I went to the kitchen and prepare breakfast" Ram said standing up from the chair she was sitting in. Ram was so exhausted she could barely stand up straight. Her posture reassembled a scarecrow

"I think you should lay down I suppose. You look like a dead corpse" Beatrice said, not taking her eyes off the book she was reading. Ram rubbed her eyes and yawned again

"I have a job to do as a maid, and that is to serve my master" Ram said tiredly. She began trotting slowly to the door

Ram felt like she was running a marathon by just walking to the door. Each step felt like there were weights tied to them. Ram felt her eyelids grow even heavier than they already were. She felt herself slowly dozing off.

Her vision grew increasingly dark and blurry. Ram tried to snap out of it, but she couldn't. Ram couldn't even yawn anymore. The simplest of actions was too much energy for her to spare. Ram eventually drained her reserves fully. There was absolutely zero energy left in her body. Ram shut down, collapsing onto the floor, falling into a deep sleep. Beatrice looked up upon hearing the loud and sudden thud on the floor

Beatrice sighed when she saw Ram passed out on the floor. She could hear Ram snoring quite loudly "That's what staying up for four nights in a row does to you. I might as well send her over now" she thought to herself. Beatrice wanted Ram out of the forbidden library. For the past two weeks Ram has refused to leave the library, except to do house work for Rosswal. Sure Beatrice could drag her out by force, but Ram always found a way to come back. Beatrice eventually grew tired of fighting her, and let her stay in the corner of the forbidden library

Beatrice walked up to Ram, and rolled her over onto her back. Beatrice saw drool all over the floor coming from Ram's mouth. She laid her hand on Ram's forehead, and began the spell. A small orb of bright light appeared from thin air. The light proceeded to grow brighter

It grew so bright Beatrice felt she was staring into the sun. Eventually a small beam shot down onto Ram, fully engulfing her.

Beatrice was sweating profusely as the temperature in the forbidden library started to heat up. It got so hot that all the books in the forbidden library risked catching on fire. Beatrice felt like her hand that laid on Rams forehead was going to be burnt off completely. She pushed past the pain, and kept her full concentration on the spell. One slight slip up and Ram could be sent anywhere but Japan

Eventually the light started to fade. Beatrice saw Ram's body disappear entirely. Being replaced by thin air. The temperature started to drop down back to normal

The light finally vanished along with the orb. Beatrice wiped the sweat off of her forehead, and rubbed her eyes

In Japan

"So chef Rem what are we having for breakfast?" Kenichi asked as he sat down at the table. Rem smiled at being addressed as "chef Rem"

"Today I was thinking about making pancakes" Rem said as she checked the pantry for the pancake batter

While Subarus' parents were away, pancakes were a common thing Rem would make for breakfast. Obviously with the help of Subaru. When Subaru first showed Rem around the kitchen, Rem was fascinated with all the appliances like the toaster, fridge, oven, and microwave

It soon became sort of a tradition, that every morning before writing and reading lessons Rem would make them a pancake breakfast to start their day

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