Chapter 21(Tear Down This Wall)

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Birds chirped in the distance as another morning ascended. Reinhard woke up hearing a faint breathing pattern to his right, it was made obvious that his partner had yet to awaken.

Gently rubbing his eyes, his vision immediately became more clear as the curse of the morning drowsiness had been lifted.

An urgent problem came to his mind, that was to somehow find the willpower to wake up Ram. He just simply didn't have it in him to wake her, disrupting her sleep felt like a crime punishable by death.

Rolling over he saw pink hair and the source of the unconscious breathing patterns. He could not help but only stare at Ram while she slept, he still had extreme anxiety about their wedding that was to take place the next day. His thoughts were disrupted when heard her start to mumble something random.

Despite trying his best to hold back laughing, he still let out a small chuckle loud enough for Ram to hear who regained her consciousness and opened her eyes slowly.

"What are you laughing at?" Ram asked in a very drowsy voice that almost made her words sound like another mumble.

"Oh it was nothing, I just found it funny to see you talking in your sleep again," Reinhard said.

Ram let out a small cry of embarrassment as she rolled her face into the pillow. Starting to think of all the mortifying things she could have been saying in her sleep.

Absolutely hating the fact she didn't even have control over the things she says. Lately Ram had been having some pretty weird and random dreams, so it was possible Reinhard picked up on her saying some pretty weird stuff.

Lifting her head from the pillow she shot her head in Reinhard's direction with the most mean look in her pink eye that silently demanded he tell her exactly what she had been saying in her sleep.

"What have I been saying?" Ram asked

"... It was nothing really, just a couple mumbles"

"What have I been mumbling?"

"Random nonsense that I couldn't understand. I couldn't even make out a single word you were saying" Reinhard said.

Ram's face softened in relief hearing that her dreamland secrets were indeed still hidden.

"Well if I hear you telling anybody that I talk in my sleep, I am immediately getting a divorce. Especially if that someone is Barusu. If I catch you telling Barusu you are also fired from being my personal knight" Ram said.

"Like I would ever do that to you. You can trust me with keeping your secrets"

"I know, that's exactly one of the reasons why I decided to marry you. I'm only saying that as a friendly small reminder"

Both of their attentions turned to the front of the room when they heard the door swing open and the newly hired chef walk in not even giving courtesy to knock. Obviously showing little care to their privacy.

"Hey, just wanted to tell you all breakfast is almost ready-"

"Do you not know what knocking is!?" Ram yelled out.

"Oh, hello Phillipe we will be out in just a moment... But I have to agree with Ram here, can you please try to knock going forward" Reinhard said in a more calm voice.

"I mean, I don't see you guys doing anything that would be best kept private, so I don't see the big deal."

"How hard is it to knock on a door? This is somebody's bedroom, you don't just walk in" Ram said.

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