part 6

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After jin left from here tae just cried and cried. He was missing someone.

*Tae's POV*
Why? Why did you left me?
I'm  so lonely without you.
I know that you had cheated on me but still......
I love you
If I get married to someone else?
Will I be be able to keep her happy?
After all she deserves the happiness.
I don't think that I will e able to keep her happy.
Will she also be like yoonji?
she will also break my heart?

*Author's POV*
Tae fell asleep while crying. He was so much tired of this. He is mentally and physically broke after yoonji left him. He loved yoonji like a soulmate and he treated her as a queen.

And now we will go to jin's place and see what is he doing

Jin arrived at home, opened the door and entered. He saw that y/n is sleeping on the couch.

Jin:- wow. My princess was waiting for me.

He chuckled at how cute and caring you are. He then picked you up in bridal style and bought you in your room
Btw this is your room

 He then picked you up in bridal style and bought you in your room Btw this is your room

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He placed you in your bed and gave a good night kiss.
Jin:- tomorrow I will tel you about something, princes. Until then, you should rest more.
Then he turned off the lights and left.

*Time skip-At morning*
You woke up in your bed and remembered that you fell asleep yesterday while waiting for your brother. You saw the time and it was 6:00 am. You usually wake up at 7. Then you realised that you brother is at home. You quickly did your morning routine and ran to your brother's room.

Your brother's room

You went in and saw that your angelic  brother is sleeping peacefully

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You went in and saw that your angelic  brother is sleeping peacefully. Your jumped on the bed and hovered over him.
Jin:- yaaa what do you want *sleepy voice*
Y/n:- I missed you last night *hug tightly*
Jin:- jinja?
Y/n:- do you think I'm lying you brat
Jin:- woa woa woa calm down princess. Ik that you missed me.
Y/n:- ......
Jin:- ok now go and let me sleep in peace.
Y/n:- don't you want to wake up? I have school and you have to make breakfast.
Jin:- just 5 minutes more. I slept late last night.
Y/n:- but-
Jin:- please jagiya
Y/n:- *sigh* ok then but only 5 minutes.
Jin:- yea I know now go
Y/n:- bye

You closed the door of your brother's bedroom and went to yours. You are scrolling through the Instagram and thinking about your friends. Then suddenly jk texted you.

*in the text*

Jk:- hey y/n
Y/n:- yes?
Jk:- are you coming
Y/n:- hm
Jk:- what are you doing
Y/n:- well nothing just scrolling through my phn
Jk:- ok then, don't be
y/n:- I'm not jimin ok?
Jk:- I know😉
Y/n:- now fuck Off or else imma Kill you 🙄

*end of your conversation*

To be continued...........

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