part 8 (smut)

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Hi there.... there will be smut in this part. sooo if you are uncomfortable then don't read this part

After you end the conversation with jungkook you again went to your brother's room and saw nobody. So you understood that your brother is downstairs. You then went to downstairs and saw him making breakfast and you decided to sit on the counter. Jin served the dishes and you both started to eat. The whole time was silent. Nobody said nothing. So you quickly finishing your breakfast and went to your room. You packed your stuff and came downstairs to go for school. You was about to went out of the house then suddenly your brother spoke

Jin:- y/n...
Y/n:- yes?
Jin:- umm I want to ask you a question
Y/n:- go ahead
Jin:- if I tell that I saw a boy for you and you have to get married ?
Y/n:- well, first of all I will see that who my groom is. And if you choosed that boy for me that means he will be good for me. So I think I can agree.
Jin:- o-ok then we will talk about this matter in night.
Y/n:- ok
Jin:- bye princess
Y/n:- byee

*time skip- at school*

Jk:- hey y/n
Y/n:- hi Mr. Mf
Jk:- I'm not a mother fucker ok?? But if you want I can fuck you *winked at you*
Y/n:- Haha if you could fuck me then I would be so grateful to you

While you two were talking then the bell rang so you all went to your class and like always, jimin was late again

You and jk was talking then suddenly jimin came.

Jimin:- mam may I come in?
Teacher:- Mr. park you cant attend my class today.
Jimin:- why?
Teacher:- cause you are always late and say that you will not be late the next day. But the next day, you are still late.
Jimin:- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry *bowed multiple times*
Teacher:- if you came late again then I'm gonna call the principal.
Jimin:- (he rolled his eyes but teacher didn't saw)

Then he came ant sat beside you.

*time skip- at the canteen*

You three were having lunch then jimin suddenly spoke

Jimin:- hey I have a party tonight will you two come?
Y/n:- umm I have to ask my brother
Jk:- of course hyung.
*He told with excitement*
Jimin:- so y/n you can ask your brother now
Y/n:- but he is in office rn. Ok I'll just text him
Jimin:- ok then
Y/n:- *in the text*



Can I go to club tonight?


Jimin and jungkook are also coming .

But y/n....




Because you know that I don't like you to go club along.

But I'm your princess right?

Yes and that's why I'm telling you not to go. I care about you

Plz oppa plz plz plz

But y/n

Plz oppa nothing will happen

Will you be alright?


Then go but don't be so late

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