part 18

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You opened the door and saw.....

Jhope:- y/n! *hugged you*
Y/n:- hobi oppa?! I missed you
Jhope:- me too princess
Y/n:- hi yoongi oppa
Suga:- hi. How are you?
Y/n:- ah- fine obviously. Why are you 2 standing? Come inside

You approached them inside your house

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You approached them inside your house. They sat on the cough in the living room. You went to prepare some snacks for them

Y/n:- There you go. I bought some sweets, chips and juice for you
Suga:- we came here to see you. Not to fulfill our tummy
Y/n:- *laughing* haha but you are my guest so i have to treat you well
Jhope:- by the way, where is taehyung?
Y/n:- umm, he is not home
Suga:- in the office?
Y/n:- well i dont know
Jhope:- are you happy with him?
Suga:- how can you say that? Its only a night passed since they are married
Y/n:- but yes. Im happy so dont worry
Jhope:- did you had your breakfast?
Y/n:- yes. Umm,how is my oppa?
Jhope:- he is so happy and obviously fine
Y/n:- i hope he is doing well
Suga:- dont worry too much princess. We are here to take care of him

You all talked, talked and talked and soon it became 4pm.

Jhope:- shit
Suga:- what?
Jhope:- look at the time

Suga looked at his phone and got shoked.

Suga:- y/n, its already very late.
Jhope:- yes and we have to go now
Y/n:- but you just came by
Jhope:- no princess. We will come another day
Suga:- and tell that jerk that we were here.
Y/n:- ok

They 2 got ready and you went to bid them goodbye. They left and now you are again all alone.

*11.30 am*

You were scrolling through your phone and the door brust opened revealing, taehyung

Y/n:- you are home *went near him*
Tae:- hmm *cold*
Y/n:- did you eat your breakfast?
Y/n:- where have you been?
Y/n:- you could tell me. Its not like that i would not allow you

He just ignored you are was about to go up when you suddenly spoke,

Y/n:- suga and jhope oppa had came
Tae:- when?
Y/n:- when you were not home
Tae:- what were they doing at this time in my house?
Y/n:- they came to see us
tae:- and?
Y/n:- what?
Tae:- you obviously told them about last night and today's morning right?
Y/n:- no, i didn't
Tae:- why you didn't?
Y/n:- cause im not that type of person
Tae:- you didn't said anything, thats your choise but dont think that this idea of your's will effect me a little bit

Then he left and went to his room. But behore going to his room, he shouted

Tae:- i had my breakfast so take this shit out of my room *cold*

*Y/n in mind*

How can he say that to me? Isn't he too rude? So what! I will not leave this matter so easily. Afterall it was my choise and he is still my crush. So........ y/n, you have to do this. You will surely do this. Good luck

You finished your thoughts on your mind and went to his room. You took the plate, bring it to the kitchen and throw it in the dustbin.

After doing some works, you went to you room cause you have to sleep and also you have school tomorrow.

You came to your room and saw taehyung is lying on the bed. You did your night routine and went to bed. You laid down on the bed and suddenly he spoke

Tae:- y/n.
Y/n:- yes?
Tae:- can you plz sleep like a human?
Y/n:- huh? What do you want to say? I didn't unterstand
Tae:- last night, you were sleeping like a 5 year old baby who rolls over the bed in sleep. And for your this habbit, i couldn't sleep last night. And i had to go in another room for you *cold*

You were so so much embarrassed . And you cheeks were turning red

Y/n:- i-i will try *little voice*

You moved to your side and fell asleep. Then tae also fell asleep.

That night you still rolled over all the bed but this night, tae didn't felt disturbed so he also slept with you.

In the morning, you woke up by your alarm and....

To be countiniued..........

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