part 9

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*A/n pov*
After you woke up, you found yourself in your room and Your head hurted like hell.

Y/n:- ahh this stupid headache. Wait- yesterday I was in the bar. And now I'm in my room. How is that possible?
Did jungkook brought me here?

You did your morning routine and went downstairs. Btw you had a prblm with walking. You didn't remember anything that happened last night cause you were drunk.

After you reached downstairs, you found you brother sitting on the cough. You went near him and sat beside him.

Y/n:- oppa, did you brought me here last night?
Jin:- no. Jk brought you here. He said you were drunk and fell asleep so he took you here.
Y/n:- oh. I really drank too much.
Jin:- that's why I didn't wanted you to go there.
Y/n:- hehe. Btw you were talking about something yesterday?
Jin:- yes. But will you be angry after hearing that?
Y/n:- umm, first you say. Then I will think . And I know that you will not say anything that will hurt me.
Y/n:- go ahead.
Jin:- ok then, tae's dad invited me for dinner.
Y/n:- again?
Jin:- no, last time .
Y/n:- oh.
Jin:- he proposed me to marry you with taehyung.
Y/n:- W-what
Jin:- it's your choice I won't force you.
Y/n:- jinjaaaaaa!!!!! *your jumped over happiness*
Jin:- are you angry at me?
Y/n:- no you pabo....
Jin:- then?
Y/n:- oppaaa you know that, how much I like him. I always wanted to meet him. And now his dad want to marry me with him! Wow I'm very happy.
Jin:- so what is your decision?
Y/n:- of course I will marry him!

*you were jumping like a baby*

Jin:- *chuckled at your cuteness* are you sure?
Y/n:- yes yes yes
Jin:- then don't regret afterwards
Y/n:- no no i won't.
Jin:- he is very cold, he doesn't like girls and he gest angry very easily.
Y/n:- I know. But once I will marry him, I will manage that.
Jin:- ok then, I will say yes to his dad.
Y/n:- wooowwww I'm so excited to meet him!!!!!


Jk:- hyung....
Jimin:- yea?
Jk:- there is a prblm.
Jimin:- what?
Jk:- we fucked last night.
Jimin:- we?
Jk:- I mean- y/n and I.
Jimin:- whatttttttt!!!!!!
Jk:- ahh don't shout. I can hear.
Jimin:- bro wtf you have done?
Jk:- now give me some advice
Jimin:- ok, did you used protection?
Jk:- of course.
Jimin:- then it won't be a prblm. But does she knows that?
Jk:- I don't know.
Jimin:- what did you said to her brother?
Jk:- I said that, she drank to much and slept. So I brought her here.
Jimin:- good. Now we have to know that if she remembered that or not.
Jk:- I bet that she didn't remembered anything. Cause she was drunk as fuck. And yesterday was her first time of drinking that much. And also she has a amnesia.
Jimin:- it's good if she doesn't remember anything. But if she remembers then she will kill you definitely and I will also get killed by her.
Jk:- so we have to wait until she comes to school.

Btw jk and jimin were in school, waiting for y/n .

You arrived at school and you were so happy. You were walking by the corridor the suddenly-

Jimin:- hey y/n

You looked behind and saw jk and jimin coming together.

Jk:- hi
Y/n:- hlw
Jk:- are you alright? You seem so happy.
Y/n:- well, I will tell you a secret. Promise me that you two won't tell anyone about this.

Jk and jimin confusedly promised to you.

Jimin:- now tell us
Y/n:- I'm getting married.
Jk & jimin:- WHATTT!!!!!!
y/n:- woa woa woa, calm down.
Jk:- is that true or not?
Y/n:- well my oppa told me and I don't know that if this is true or not.
Jimin:- btw who is your groom?
Y/n:- Kim Taehyung.

This time jk and jimin got more shoked..

Jk:- y/n....
Y/n:- yes?
Jimin:- don't joke here ok?
Y/n:- but this is true.
Jk:- he doesn't like girls. And how did he proposed to you?
Jimin:- yes jungkook is right.
Y/n:- well listen to me first.
Jimin:- go ahead.
Y/n:- taehyung's dad invited my oppa for a dinner.
Jk:- and how?
Y/n:- you all know that my oppa works at Kim groups. And his is Mr. Kim's childhood friend.
Jimin:- well yes.
Y/n:- so his father proposes to my oppa to marry me with his son.
Jimin:- and what did you said?
Y/n:- I like him very much from the very beginning. Soooo I said yes.
Jimin:- seriously?
Y/n:- yes. Is there any problem?

Jk felt a sudden pain in his heart. But he had nothing to do since he didn't expressed his feelings to you. So he just smiled.

Jk:- no there is no problem. But be careful
Y/n:- why?
Jimin:- don't let him hurt you otherwise will will beat his ass off.
Jk:- we don't care if he is Mr. Kim or not but he has to keep you happy.
Y/n:- Haha ok.... I will tell this to him.
Jimin:- btw did you meet him before?
Y/n:- well no.
Jk:- what!!! Then how did you agreed to this marriage?
Y/n:- well, he is my biggest crush that's why
Jimin:- but y/n....
Y/n:- what?

To be continued...........

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