Part 17

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You woke up the next day and found none. You were counfused that where did he go? So you got up, did your morning routine and went outside of your room.

When you went outside, you saw tae was sitting on the cough what was in downstairs.

You went downstairs and sat beside him.

Tae:- what are you doing?
Y/n:- im sitting
tae:- why beside me?
Y/n:- cause im your wife
Tae:- but I told you already not to come any closer to me
Y/n:- im just sitting beside you which is normal and not kissing you which is uncomfortable ok?
Tae:- dont try to mess with me k?
Y/n:- listen-
Tae:- ENOUGH!!!!!

His sudden action made you flinch.

Tae:- you are getting on my nerves. So you better shut the fuck up now
Y/n:- but i didn't started yet
Tae:- so dont start. Otherwise i will not be able to controll myself and you don't know how worst my anger can be
y/n:- dont be so mean

He then got up from his seat, went upstairs and closed the door aggressively.

He didn't even ate his breakfast

Y/n:- did i wanted to marry this person?

You then got up and headed to the kitchen. You made breakfast for you and him. You took the plate and went to his room.

*knock knock*

Tae:- hmm?

You went inside and sat beside him.

Y/n:- taehyung?

He didn't said anything

Y/n:- im sorry. Plz dont do this to me
Tae:- get lost
Y/n:- i am your wife
Tae:- Why do you always say that you are my wife huh? Didn't i already told you that i never wanted this marrige? Why dont you addmit it? I fucking hate you. And i dont care if you are my wife or not!!!!!

You didn't said anything

Y/n:- ok. I will go but make sure to eat this *sad and heartbreak tone*

You went out of the room and went inside of another room. You brusted into tears.

How could he do that to you?

You thought

After crying for sometimes, you freashed up and got outside. When you got outside, you went to his room. But you didn't found him there. The plate you left there, was still there.

You came downstairs and asked one of the maids

Y/n:- do you know where did taehyung go?
Maid:- sir has gone somewhere
y/n:- do you know where?
Maid:- he didn't said anything so i dont know
Y/n:- oh. Thank you
Maid:- welcome

Yoy waited, waited and waited but he didn't came. At last you heard the calling bell is ringing at the door so you ran up thinking that taehyung has came

You opened the door and saw.......

To be continued..........

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