part 33: ending

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You giggled as you heard your 2 yrs old baby is screaming for her mom.

Its been 3 yrs since you and jk got married. And you two have a baby together. You r living your dream life as you always wanted. Jungkook is performing his role as a perfect husband, world's best dad and a perfect CEO.

Jeon industries got on no. 1 top korean businesses over kim groups. And kim groups is now in 2nd position.

Now you r the wife of Korea's top CEO again but this time your husband is jeon jungkook unlike taehyung.

You dont know what happend to taehyung. Cause he didn't show up to media or any other people since 2 yrs. Everyone is saying that he went abroad. He is still the CEO of kim groups but he dosent goes to his office. There is no official statement about him or his life or his parents since 2 yrs.

But you dont care about him now. In fact you are too busy now days with your family.

Ah and do y'all know that jimin also got married and tbh, he has a beautiful wife. His wife loves him so much ans so also he. His wife is his life. They are living their life with joy and peace.

Even tho you 3 got married, but the friendship of yours is still so precious as then. You 3 still meet up at late nights. And hang out together. And now, another member has joined your group. And that person is.....

Jimin's wifey. She is so nice to all of you.

Tomorrow you, jk and your baby will go on a family tour to Australia for 2 weeks. It's been a while since you two went on a vacation. So he came up with a plan to go on a vacation and you agreed.

You are now packing your stuffs.

Time skip- at the airport

Your brother, jk's parents and jimin came to drop y'all.

After reaching there

"Wowwww its so cool"

You said as you jumped over the bed out of tiredness.

Jungkook giggled with your baby in his embrace.

Jk:- take rest we will start our trip from tomorrow

He putted down your baby and went to fresh up.

He cooked dinner since you r tired.

Such a cute baby he is.

After two days

You and jk were roaming through a park. Your baby is in a day care centre so now its you two alone.

Its evening.

Holding hands, you two were walking

Suddenly a man showed up

You and jk were completely shocked after seeing him infront of your eyes.

Its was no other but taehyung.


You said as you went to him and hugged him

"I missed you"

He said as he pulled out from the hug

Y/n:- well me too
Jk:- where have you been?

"Y/n I want you back"

Tae said in his one breath that made you jungshook.

Jk:- woa bro but she is mine already
Tae:- y/n I'm talking to you

He is still that arrogant rude brat
-jk thought in his mind


You flinched when reality hited you


You said with a heavy heart.

That one sentence of him brought up all your old and sad memories

Suddenly tae started to cry

Tae:- I'm i- I'm s- sorry so sorry y/n. I shouldn't have trusted that bitch over you.

"What happened?"

Jk said as he was trying to calm tae

Tae:- after 1 yr of marr-riage, s-she got a divorce from me. She aga-ain left me after ruining me af. I lo-loved her like my life and she cheated on me. I didn't behaved well with you y/n and I think this is my punishment for not believing in you

His legs were feeling so weak that he fell on his knees and started to cry out of his heart.

Those puffy eyes of his tells everything about how many nights he has spend crying. Tears were forming down to his eyes to his cheeks and that cute nose is red as tomato. He isn't even breathing normally due to so much crying.

You got down to his lavel and helped him to get up.

Tae:- y/n pl-plz dont say a no 

You took a deep breath before saying,

"I also cried a lot for you. I also suffered like this for you. I loved you like the man of my life. I respected you more than myself. But you never gave that priority to me that I deserved. You choosed someone else over me."

"I know bu-"

You cutted him off and said,

"Taehyung let me finish"


He said with a pout

"Remember, you always said that you never wanted this marriage right?"

"Yes I k-know"

"So now it's your story, our story Mr. Kim's Never Wanted Marriage"

You said with no emotion in your face and walked away with jungkook

______________The end_____________

Author's note

Hope you enjoyed the story, if you didnt enjoyed then comment me why. Then I'll be sure to entertain you with more skills. Follow me for more stories cause I've published a oneshot on jimin  and.....

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Love the 7 members equally
Love yourself

Mr. Kim's never wanted marriage Where stories live. Discover now