part 10

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Y/n:- what?
Jimin:- I know that he is your biggest crush but still he is a stranger to you right?
Y/n:- no
Jk:- how?
Y/n:- cause he is my brother's best friend and he often comes to our house.
Jk:- and why would he come to your house?
Y/n:- ahhh you guys ask so much.
Listen... my brother and he works at the same company and they are childhood friends also, they have other friends. So they all comes to our house for gathering. And they enjoy the whole day in our house since we 2 only live in our house and we don't have any elder in our house

Jk:- Oo.....
Jimin:- k we understood.
Jk:- but remember you are our princess so don't let that Kim hurt you.
Y/n:- ok ok now let's go my over protective boyfies

They all laughed and went to class

Time skip- at y/n's house

Y/n:- *knocked at jin's door*
Jin:- come in
Y/n:- *went near him*
Jin:- what happened princess? Is anything wrong?
Y/n:- umm no but what about that?
Jin:- what?
Y/n:- umm. My marriage
Jin:- ohh. Many girls doesn't want to get married and here is you who is wanting to get married as soon as possible *laughing*
Y/n:- no it's not like that but I'm just curious
Jin:- ok sit
Y/n:- *sat on his lap* (btw they are so close as siblings so don't get them wrong)
Jin:- I talked to tae's father that you agreed and he wants to meet you
Y/n:- what????
Jin:- what?
Y/n:- how can I meet him? I'm so nervous and I wanted to meet Mr. Kim not his father.
Jin:- k I understand but you are his soon to be daughter in law so he have to meet you right?
Y/n:- yeah *sad voice*
Jin:- ok don't be sad. Tomorrow we will go to their mansion to meet his family
Y/n:- will I be able to meet him?
Jin:- well idk if he wants to meet you or not.
Y/n:- oh
Jin:- dont worry you will do your best
Y/n:- yeah I think so.
Jin:- now go and sleep. Otherwise your beauty will be spoiled *pinching your cheeks*
Y/n:- ok *giggles*

Meanwhile.... in tae's mansion

Tae:- why don't you understand
T/d:- what?
Tae:- that I don't want to get married
T/d:- you have to get married if you want to be the next CEO
Tae:- but-
T/d:- NO BUTS *he shouted*
Tae:- *flinched at his father's sudden shout*
T/m:- plz dont do this
T/d:- shut up. Dont you see your son is not willing to get married
T/m:- maybe he has his own choice.
T/d:- so do you have your own choice?
Tae:- no
T/d:- see?
T/m:- then why dont u wanna get married? Tae?
Tae:- because it's my life after all and all girls are like yoonji *shouting in frustration*
they all are gold diggers. *his eyes are tearing up*

T/m:- but son, this girl in not like that.
Tae:- how can you say huh? Did you ever met her?
T/d:- enough is enough. I said you will marry her and this is final. *left the room*
T/m:- don't worry honey, they will come to visit us tomorrow. You can still meet her and incase you like her
Tae:- *didn't said anything*

*his mom left and now he is alone in his room*
He did his night routine and went to bed. He layed on his bed and started to remember yoonji.
He is so emotional from inside but he doesn't show his emotions to anyone.

Tae:- why , why?
Why did you left me? Why?
I'm Alone without you
Plz come back

He cried and cried. At last, he fell asleep while crying

To be continued..........

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