part 31

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It's been a while babygirl
-said jungkook

You turn around to see your man standing infront of you.


If you are wondering why YOUR MAN, well that is because today is your wedding.

You didnt get it right? Well let me tell you the whole story

After that day of taehyung's marriage you broke down completely and you were drowned in darkness. But jimin and jungkook held your hand in that darkness. They taught you to be the girl that taehyung can never have. They were always by your side to make you smile

Jungkook used to go on dates with you and started to spend more time with you. He was healing your stabbed heart with his love and care towards you.

Jimin were always behind jungkook. He prepared jungkook for you. He taught jk how to impress you. But jungkook dosent want to impress you

He wants to hold your hand and walk through the darkest and happiest moment of his and your life. He wants to give you that amount of love that you never had. He wants to make you happy and be independent. And that's why he was working so hard to show his love towards you

And guess what?

After 3 months, you started growing feelings for him. You started to like him more than a friend. You feel happy and special whenever you are with him. He was becoming the cause of your euphoria

And again after 2 months jungkook finally gathered up all his courage and decided to propose you. He was so weak to propose to you. Cause he knows that you'll not agree. He knows that you still want him as your bestfriend and be with him forever like this

But still. Even if you reject him, he dosent care at all. Cause he loves you and he will love you even after you reject him. 

After somedays

You 2 met in a hotel and jungkook finally proposed to you. And luckily you said yes to him. Then your oppa and his parents met.

His parents first didnt agreed cause they thought that you are divorced. And a man will never leave a woman who is perfect or good. Jungkook's parents thought that you are not the right girl for their son.

But jungkook made his parents understand your situation. Jimin helped him a lot. And finally his parents agreed and now it's your marriage

You are so happy for your marriage and since it's the marriage of Korea's 2nd richest boy's wedding so probably many big companies and many reporters has came to your marriage. Mr. Jerk taehyung is also invited to this marriage.

You especially said jk to invite him with his wife. You wanted to show him what you got. And jk is better than him.

Time skip- at the marriage time

Priest:- do you Kim y/n take jeon jungkook as your fully wedded husband and promise to stay with him in his happiness and darkness till the last breath of your life?

Y/n:- I do *excited*

Priest:- do you jeon jungkook take Kim y/n as your fully wedded wife and promise to stay with her in her happiness and darkness till the last breath of your life?

Jk:- I do *winked at you*

Priest:- now may i pronounce you fully wedded wife and husband. Now you may kiss the bride.

Jk looked at you and you looked at him. Then you both looked at taehyung who was watching you two, folding hands in chest with full of  discussed.

You and jk smirked at him and jungkook pulled you closer to him by your waist. You placed your hands on his neck and you both leaned in. And then, jk gave you the most passionate feeling in the world by smashing his lips on yours.

The crowd cheered for you both.

Time skip- at the Jeon Mansion

You are doing your night routine and your husband is showering. You looked in the mirror and blushed thinking about what will happen in next sometimes.

Jungkook got out of the bathroom and looked at you. And not to lie he was looking so so so damn sexy in just one towel wrapped by his waist. His well build body was giving you shivers down your spine. And his wet hairs on his forehead was making the look even more glamorous.

like what you see?
-said jungkook

'Oh well nothing'

After saying that you immediately turned around.

Jk came to you and pinned you against the wall.

Jk:- be ready to scream tonight babygirl

To be continued.............

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