part 30

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Like the other days, you dont have anything to do. You r trying your best to forget him. So that's why you often hang out with jk and jimin.

Most of the time you hang out with jungkook cause jimin had classes.

After one week

You saw in the news that Mr. Kim and his gf is getting married in two months.

Your heart broke into million pieces after seeing that news. You were feeling like someone has stabbed you so hard on our heart that has no medicine to recover.

Yes you 2 had divorce but you still love him. You miss him every single second. You carve for his voice. But seems like destiny doesn't want it.

On the other hand

Jk is trying his best to make you fall for him. Jk loved you, loves you and will love you till his last breath. He wanna marry you but you are not in mind of marrying another guy. So he didnt talked to you about that.

But he had talked to your oppa about this and jin said if he wants to marry you then he have to make you agree first. But not in the wild way, in the most gentle way. And also you need time cause it's been only one week. Then if you agree then jin doesn't have any problem with it. Afterall it's your life.

But if you dont agree, then he will not let jk marry you at any cost. Jin loves his sister very much. For jin, y/n's happiness comes first.

After 2 months

Today is the worst day of your life. And guess what?

Today is your ex hubby's wedding with that bitch yoonji. You are so so so sad today. It's been two months but still you couldn't forget him. And he doesn't even care about it. He didnt even tried to contact with you or talk to you for a sec.

You often herd news about him that he and his so loving girlfriend went on a date.


To make you feel better and special, Jimin and jungkook was always there for you. They gave you a lots of love that tae didnt gave for a single day to you. but you only want him. And sadly you cant do anything about it. You just have to expect the truth. It's too hard to expect but you have to. At least For your own happiness

When will my day come? When I will be able to be happy?
-you thought on your mind while scrolling down on your Instagram.

You were sipping on your cold coffee and today is not like other days to you. But you promised yourself that you'll not care about that brat today. Afterall you also have your own life

So why will you waste your time on someone who dosent want you?

You saw a lot of pics are trending on Instagram on #mr.kims_marrige. You saw the pics and in those pics, taehyung was looking so happy.

Then you thought

When you 2 were married, taehyung had a very cold and annoying face. Like it wast a forced marriage and that's why he had that expression.

You scoffed, felt your phone a far from you and layed on your bed covering you with your blanket. You were hiding from this cruel world for a moment. You sighed and closed your eyes thinking about those days. That two eyes with dark orbs, that pinkish kissable lips, that messy hair after waking up. Ahhh such a beautiful memory it is. But sadly.....

He is now in your memories only.

To be continued.......

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