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People grow apart. Relationships end. Not everything works out.

In the end, I grew far apart from Beomgyu. I ended up speaking to him once or twice a year on separate occasions. My best friend and I grew apart as well.

It takes a lot to acknowledge that what you're doing is unhealthy. For me, it took eight years. For others, it could take a day.

That doesn't matter. What matters is that I realized that what I was doing wasn't healthy and I finally took myself and my own feelings into consideration.

Taehyun and I married each other and despite our unhealthy relationship in the beginning, we ended up being perfect for each other.

It took me a long time to realize that hurting myself for others to be happy wasn't healthy. It's not something that should be normal in a relationship. It took a lot of thinking and pondering about myself. I looked deep inside myself in that period of time and I decided that I would no longer allow someone else's happiness to dictate my own.

Right now, I am happy. It took a lot of effort and a lot of changes in perspective.

This may not be the ending that people were hoping for, but this is the end to my story. No tears. No angst. No unexpected relationship changes. This is the way my story ends and whilst others may not be happy with it, that doesn't concern me.

As long as I'm happy.

As Long As I'm HappyWhere stories live. Discover now